
The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2006
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Hi , Sorry I havent found the time to create an extensive journal on this one. Also felt is was very similar to a couple of others on here! however I would be interested to get your opinion or criticism.



Oooh, that does look lush! I really like your confidence to put such a large rock in there as well, even though it will have displaced so much of the tanks volume! Are you dosing with CO2? and what stock is in there? I like indeed! My suggestion is to cover all of that substrate, the occasional brown patch looks odd to me, but then your carpeting plants will spread, so that's fine! Well done!
call me dumb but im really fond of that rock :blush: ! and as big as it is it just had to go in. Yes i am dosing Co2 1BPS on a pressurised system. The plan is to let the HC cover the substrate completeley.
Nice to hear from you again Planter. It's been a while. Glad to see youve got one of the aqucubes.
Damn it, but yours looks brill! Much better than mine. Definetly consider putting it forward in the PFK aquascaping competetion in April :good:
I agree that when the HC spreads and fills those gaps it will look perfect.

Edit: oh, and i like the big rock.
Aww George, don't you just admire the confidence though! It's such a focal point, like a booming structure around which the aquascape can only try to soften.
Hairgrass and HC looks great, excellent condition... can't say i'm too keen on your rocks though:

Firstly, the center one is too big (i bet you expected that comment!), it also looks odd as it doesn't taper inwards from the substrate also. Looks very 'placed'.

The rock on the left should have its edge buried under the substrate also.

The rock on the right is too flat, with a too angular edge.

Also i'm not 100% sure but are all the rocks the same type?
Cant say im too suprised by the remarks about the rocks! Nice rocks are hard to come by and these are what I had to hand when I started out. Although I do take your point. I must confess to not being expert in the do's and dont's of rock placement. Am hoping to re scape my larger tank soon in a similar style so any comments on this one will help me on the next project!

Thanks all
Well, all these comments are of course fair, but I'd soften things up a bit, get the lines in the aquascape flowing, but I wouldn't get rid of the rocks, it's good to be daring. Still, can you tell me what fish and inverts are in there? or what you're planning?
Very nice tank. True what you say about rocks.

Ive been looking for rocks for months that will suit all of my tanks and are that bit different. So hard to find. All LFS only sell the same types of rocks around here :(

Keep up the good work. What substrate are you using?
Aww George, don't you just admire the confidence though! It's such a focal point, like a booming structure around which the aquascape can only try to soften.
It is a focal point indeed, and a lovely rock. I can't take my eyes off it. But it does little for the aquascape as a whole, as it is not balanced.

I know planter isn't offened in any way, as he asked for opinions.

FYI I've just spent the last two hours with five rocks trying to nail a composition. I'm still no way near, so I'm maybe not the best critic anyway......
I have no doubt that you're one of the best critics on this forum, if not the best, I don't wish to query what you say! I do agree that the rock is loud, but I can't help but revel in how few people would risk something like that, and nearly pull it off. By the way, can't wait to see on your thread those rocks when you've got them how you like, I presume for you new nano aquascape.
No offence taken George! ( you leave my rock alone ) :D :)

I did mention above my fishes and things as for substrate im using Tropica Aquacare covered with silica sand.
Aww George, don't you just admire the confidence though! It's such a focal point, like a booming structure around which the aquascape can only try to soften.
It is a focal point indeed, and a lovely rock. I can't take my eyes off it. But it does little for the aquascape as a whole, as it is not balanced.

I know planter isn't offened in any way, as he asked for opinions.

FYI I've just spent the last two hours with five rocks trying to nail a composition. I'm still no way near, so I'm maybe not the best critic anyway......

Though I agree with Sibelius that Planter putting in a rock of that size did take gumption, I tend to agree with George and others here in that it may be just a tad too big for this little, little tank. I'm impressed that you got it in the tank without breaking it. :lol: I would not have been so lucky and as a result primarily stick with wood as a hardscape. I'm too clumsy with rocks. :lol:

That being said, the plant growth is just lucious. Good enough to eat. I'm serious, the hairgrass looks like a good quality chive. Well grown! :good:

llj :)
The point of posting my pics here was to learn something so im very grateful for all your coments. I think the lesson to be learned is to consider much more carefuly in future my hardscape before i put so much effort into growing those lucious plants. Most important thing is Ive really enjoyed tending to this little tank and am becoming more and more confident that i can acheive good results with the plants. Just have to get the hang of the aquascaping bit. Does make you appreciate just how clever you guys are that produce these stunning aquariums (G.F , Moody, etc).

Thanks again for all your comments

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