I'm In Love!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
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i saw a catfish in a fish shop and i absolutly adore him...i dont know his common name all i know is hes a Brachyplatystoma tigrinum.

i dont know anything about him but im sure he wont be able to go with any of my tanks (typical!!)

heres a picture i found on google - its not a great pic but it shows how beautiful the fish was....i love his tail!!

if i can have him - someone tell me more about him lol


  • brachyplatystoma_tigrinum.jpg
    31.2 KB · Views: 57
Hmmm. not all that impossible, then...you'd just need the room for a large tank, big filter and a feeder breeder tank. Too much trouble for me, but then I am lazy. If I had the money, certainly a nice-looking fish. Hope somebody with the right resources and attitude buys him.
Triginsus' are very sensitive fish when under 12", and they cost loads (sometimes £300+)
How much was he Carina, and how big?

he was about 15 inches i would say.....fairly big......and yes he was £340 :angry: but the fish shop i saw him in have over priced fish anyway.

just thought i would share him with you.....hes gorgeous!! :drool:
Well to be honest Carina, £340 for a 15" tiginsus isnt a too bad, tropical imports have had them in before at 4" for £300, allthough their new triginsus' will be £135 at 4".

these catfish have a reputation of being one of the hardest catfish to keep alive in aquaria,they often just die for no apparent reason.
what is your biggest tank a 400l?seeing as you allready have a tsn and a rtc im wondering what your gonna do with all these monster catfish :blink:
I'm NOT going to buy him :angry: - i was joking.....i have far more important things to spend 340 on lol.

i just thought he was gorgeous and thought you lot might like to see him.....
I'm NOT going to buy him :angry: - i was joking.....i have far more important things to spend 340 on lol.

i just thought he was gorgeous and thought you lot might like to see him.....

If I had the space I've have him in a heartbeat...I think they're gorgeous.

They had a 2" one in Wildwoods a few months back, £150 I think was the asking price.
Is the Tig at Brigg Garden Centre?

Its a nice Tig, reasonably priced too considering.

He wouldnt sell me the Thin Bar Dat that was with it in the tank as it was his pet lol
I'm NOT going to buy him :angry: - i was joking.....i have far more important things to spend 340 on lol.

i just thought he was gorgeous and thought you lot might like to see him.....
why the angry face i was only asking?

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