New Tank

cardinal sinner

Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Everyone

Just got this new 35l tank & am hoping to put 5 Pgymy Puffers in.
I still have to get some more plants for the sides & to cover the rocks.
What do you think?


35L is only about roughly 10gallons... sorry but you can have 5 pygmy (dwarf) puffers in that tank... 2 tops...
Read the pinned article in the oddball section before getting 5 into that tank... First it's barley planted enough for 2 as dwarf puffers are very intellegenet and enjoy interacting with plants... They are also extremly agressive towards eachother... 5gallons per dwarf puffer in the minimum tank space requirements, and don't put anything else in there with it except BN plecos and otto cats... read the pinned article as I said and you'll understand why... nice looking set up though, just not for 5 dwarf puffers...
35L is only about roughly 10gallons... sorry but you can have 5 pygmy (dwarf) puffers in that tank... 2 tops...
Read the pinned article in the oddball section before getting 5 into that tank... First it's barley planted enough for 2 as dwarf puffers are very intellegenet and enjoy interacting with plants... They are also extremly agressive towards eachother... 5gallons per dwarf puffer in the minimum tank space requirements, and don't put anything else in there with it except BN plecos and otto cats... read the pinned article as I said and you'll understand why... nice looking set up though, just not for 5 dwarf puffers...

agreed. I have 2 in my 29g and they still tend to be a bit nippy with each other even with all the plants and hiding space.
Looks cool - the rockwork's amazing, where did you get it from if you don't mind me asking?

Tank's deceiving, looks a lot bigger than 35L - good job :good:
Thanks for all your input ladies n gents.Guess i'll just be having 2 puffers in. Knew I should't listen to the guy in the lfs.
As I said I'm putting more plants in and hope to grow ones on the rocks. The rocks are not real I got them from Maidenhead Aquatics at Beverley It cost me £9.99.The tank is an Elite 35. Might even just have 1 puffer maybe a figure of eight. Haven't made my mind up yet. Will post more piccies when its fully planted(next week hopefully) :good:
red eye red tail puffers would be great for that tank, they grow 5cm tops and are very peacefull, you can keep them with almost anything.

watch out though as some very similar species are super aggressive.

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