I Love My Albino Corys


Jan 8, 2007
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I have recently purchased 3 albino corys, and I would just like to say thanks everyone for recommending them to me.

My husband and I find them very very funny, stimulating, exciting etc and sit there for ages and watch them.

At night time (still when the lights are on) they seem to come "alive" and are little crazies! They dart from side to side of the tank playing games, chasing one another etc. :hyper:

My daughter also loves them.

I have caught my cat a few times at night sitting on the chair watching the tank, which he never did before, I think they have caught his eye too. I bet I know what he would like to do with them though :drool:

Has anyone else found that they become crazy at night?

They are definitly so adorable. Best additions to my tank so far.

I have just added some pics. Not the best pics though because they are lying together in the corner.

Love Rhiannon


  • hueydueyandlouey1.jpg
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Any pics? How big is the tank? Glad to hear you are enjoying them they really are an exiting fish to watch.
yep mine always have a play around at night, they chase each other and just generally mess around, but of corse its all playing no one gets hurt. they are great charicters and a lot of fun too watch,
My dog Whiskers (a Yorkie-Dachsund mix) lurves to watch and snap at the Corie tanks. I believe he thinks they are little mice. When I come home in the morning the rug in front of one is all moved around. It is the bolder tank, so I am sure they have a laugh at him.
How will the cories do on gravel that size?
I have recently purchased 3 albino corys, and I would just like to say thanks everyone for recommending them to me.
i own six they're great aren't they! - think they acctually prefer to be in groups of six at least though!

I can guess why your cat likes them -


My sister owns a tank in her room, she came in the other day to see the cat dart from the tank to her bed and it had a wet paw hehe
Yeah, I have no albinos, but the corys in my cory tank go crazy at night. I love watching them zip around, they're so cute.

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