Is This Whitespot?

ugly fish

New Member
Nov 25, 2006
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Hoplo2.jpgHi again
I am on a roll here with my questions...
I am probably being REALLY dim here but I'm really not sure if my hoplo has white spot. It fits the description - white salt crystals on it's scales but it isn't flicking and doesn't have rapid gill movement and the white spots are perfectly symmetrical on both sides of it's head! I did 2 courses of treatment before Christmas and thought it was going as the dots looked paler but now they are back so I have done another course and am wondering whether to continue again with it tomorrow.
Other fish (3 black neons and kuhli loach) are fine and water is perfect.
I have never seen "white spot/ich" before and can't find any pictures on the internet so I'm not sure what I'm looking for,
I have tried to post a picture but not sure it has worked... here goes....
Thanks Wilder
Not sure from looking at the pics on the link that it is whitespot?!!! I thought they would be more defined sugar crystals but the pics seem to be like a powder of crystals. I can't get the pic bigger as it keeps saying it is too big now. Any ideas???!
the fact that it has symetrical white spots on both sides of its head makes me think that it is NOT ich. Is the fish still active and eating? Is he clamping his fins (holding them into his body)? Also, what are your water stats and the temperature of the tank? Temperature affects how fast you can kill ich in the tank, mainly by speeding up (high temps) and slowing (lower temps) the life cycle.
Crikey you are up late too!
i am watching them like a hawk now. Crappy reality TV has nothing on a fish tank!
No, the hoplo doesn't have a velvet appearance. Basically the dots you see going up his face (on the photo) are the culprits and the root of my worry... It looks NOTHING like the photos on the link you forwarded. I really didn't before/don't know still what to look for in white spot so guessed the white dots on the hoplo's face must be it....
Will try another photo in the morning...
Thanks again
PS temp at the mo is 30 and ammonia and nitrite 0 and behaviour is normal.... if there is a normal ie he has always blundered about! He isn't flicking or being erratic though.
Abit weird if it is a parasite and it isn't flicking.
The head region looks abit like columnaris to me.
I would issolate the poorly fish and try a bacterial med on him.
Had a look at some photos on the net and it doesn't look similar really... Hoplo only has these funny little white dots around his head but nothing else visible. To be honest, they could have been there all the time and I just haven't noticed them before. I only got worried about white spot when the female gourami was flicking lots - it was then that I saw them on hoplo and put 2 and 2 together.
Do you suggest I isolate him then? If so, any recommendations for medications???
Oops! I really hope I haven't been treating them for the wrong thing or even worse for nothing at all....
Thanks again
I would leave it for now and see how it goes.
Ask in the right part of the forum about his marking, it could be a breeding pattern.

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