Is My Parrot Ok?


New Member
Nov 18, 2006
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my parrot or parrot horn(parrot + flower horn)or whatever has been upsidedown for the past three weeks now and i don't no what wrong with him and the only time when i see him rightsideup is when someones in his way or when hes eating and then he goes back upsidedown again but I'm guessing he has a swim bladder problem? i don't know


3 weeks like that huh?

That doesn't sound good.. It could be a swim bladder problem I really don't know.. but that is weird for sure.
Im not 100% on this but if it looks like swim bladder problems, and after 3 weeks and it being that bad looking i cant see where it will be reversible.

Give it some time Wilder will be able to help you much better than i could.
I did have the same thing happen to a parrot of mine now that I think of it.. not totally upside down, but was sideways for awhile.. it died after about a week or two though.
Yes swim bladder and they can be like that a while.
There only the diet you can change but it not looking hopeful bless him.
Shelled peas.
probably going to get jumped on for this, but here goes:
Try a salt bath. It helps with swimbladder sometimes. Then again, if its been 3 weeks it might be too late...

Now that i think of it, is swimbladder fatal? I mean, if the fish are eating and breathing right, can they still have a long life?
Not on his back, I had a goldofish that layed on her back for a week, couldn't stand it any longer she looked dreadfu,l and I could tell she had enough, just have to judge the situation and make your own mind up.

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