Dying Siamese Fighting Fish

sausage dog

New Member
Oct 9, 2006
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United Kingdom
I am really sad because my 4 month old siamese fighting fish has started to die. It is loosing colour on it's belly area (going to white), one of his eyes has swollen up really big, and one of his fins does not work any more. The most frustrating thing is that I have no idea why and am struggling to find out what has gone wrong. He is the only fish in the 15x10x10 tank, is fed well, the water nitrite levels were fine, there are no other plants.

Can anyone suggest what could be affecting him?


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He has a bacterial infection get going with a bacterial med.
He has a bacterial infection get going with a bacterial med.

Well, I moved Leon to an emergency tank and he seems to be a bit better than yesterday. Last night before I moved him he could not use his right fin; now he can move it and is swimming around.

Please can someone suggest the best treatment for this bacteriel infection. I have contra spot, but might need to use another form of medication.

Please advise.
Is the tank in inches or cm's?
What about water changing and filter maintenance, ammonia or nitrite levels?
It is bacterial so you need to find the cause of it.
Is the tank in inches or cm's?
What about water changing and filter maintenance, ammonia or nitrite levels?
It is bacterial so you need to find the cause of it.

The tank was near a breezy place, so I have moved the fish to a shady part of the room - i heard that breezy places can increase the chance of infection.

The tank measurements are in inches, of course...

I am using a natural under gravel filter system, so I guess it could be that. Am going to get a proper one tha slots onto the side of the tank and collects all the 'bad stuff' in the water.

Please, I really need to know what kind of procedures to take to cure my fish. Can anyone reccomend any cures of any kind, or medicines I can get from the fish shop?

Varying temperatures can cause infections so if you dont have a heater then getting one is a good idea and setting it slowly to 80f.
I would advise doing half daily water changes for a week using a small gravel vac if you can get one to keep the bacteria levels in the tank low.
I dont know where you live but you can try and get something like maracyn and maracyn2
My Fighter had a similar problem especially the eye, it was bulging way out of his head, i found that Interpets Anti Internal Bacteria worked perfectly withing a few days he was showing huge signs of improvment
OK, I am going to the fish shop tomorrow to get some medicine:

I will get one o the following 3:

- Interpets Anti Internal Bacteria

- tetra cycline Hydrochloride powder

- meracyn 2

To recap: Leon can use both fins now, but stil has a swollen white belly nd a swollen eye. His fins are also in bad shape.
Which ones would you recommend? I heard that
Whats your location as in the uk can't get maracyn or tetracycline.
Tetracycline will wipe your bacterial colony out in your filter.
Sounds like your betta is one step away from dropsy.
Are you uk or Us or somewhere else?
It would help us to help you if you filled in your profile a bit more
Whats your location as in the uk can't get maracyn or tetracycline.
Tetracycline will wipe your bacterial colony out in your filter.

Sorry, I am based in the UK. Do you have any idea what I might be able to get for Dropsy and antibacteria in the UK? I am reading a book about fish desease ad the description of Dropsy mentions the potruding eyes, pine cone scales and belly. I am certain thi is it. I am going to change 10% of water daily and get some treatment tomorrow.

There is med by interpet for dropsy.
Once scales stick out organ failure, the only thing to do is a epson salt bath to try and draw the fluids out.
But to be honest most fish don't make it as the organs have packed in.

I have been using 'all natural Pimafix' and he seems to be getting his colour and apetite back. However, I have noticed that his fins are still getting a little bit worse. One if his fins has a cooton like growth on it.

Any suggestions as to what this could be? The prima fix treats fungal effects on body and fins, so surely the meds #i am giving him should work?


Primafix is the second item down...
You need to be using a bacterial med with the pimafix.

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