What Wrong With My African Chiclid?


New Member
Nov 18, 2006
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this morning when i woke up i looked at my fish tank and saw one of my cichlid has white on his eye witch could be cloudy eye?but then at night it got worse and kinda weird and i was wondering if it is cloudy eye or what?

lol oh yea i just notice that i have his pic on my avatar a few days ago and look at the difference
The fish looks like it has popeye which is fluid on the brain putting pressure on the eye.
Its sometimes linked with dropsy so you need to work fast to get the fish better.
Can you give us tank size and filtration, water changing and how often?
Bacteria is the main cause of popeye so doing lots of water changing with gravel vacs may help and getting some meds for it may help kill off the bad bacteria in the tank.

Another possible cause is that he banged it against a rock but its pretty slim to have been that. What other fish are there and how do they look?
tank size:120G

filtration:two emperor 400 and internal UV sterilizer

water change: once a week
It could be he has been in a fight or knocked it as you ahve a lot of fish in there.
Can you seperate into a sdmaller hospital tank to see if it heals with good clean water?

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