New Member
G'day All,
Thought I'd post this pic of our new 3 ft Extended tank (150 litres). This is the first time I have had anything accept Gold Fish for about 12 years. I seem to have had a few casualties along the way but this has been going for about a 4 weeks after cycling. Start the cycling process with old filter media from a friends tank and 5 gold fish.
Current occupants:
1 x Bristlenose Catfish
6 x Guppies
5 x Scissortails
1 x Bala/Silver Shark (LFS didn't tell me these guys would grow to nearly a foot as he gets bigger I will have to find him a new home).
Not sure of the plants but if anyone can help indetify them that would be great. I know that the broad leaf ones keep on floating to the top of the tank which is really annoying.
Current hardware:
1 x canister filter 1200 l/hr
1 x 200 watt heater
1 x 30 watt Aquaglo light
Any comments greatly appreciated.
Fireman Sam
Thought I'd post this pic of our new 3 ft Extended tank (150 litres). This is the first time I have had anything accept Gold Fish for about 12 years. I seem to have had a few casualties along the way but this has been going for about a 4 weeks after cycling. Start the cycling process with old filter media from a friends tank and 5 gold fish.
Current occupants:
1 x Bristlenose Catfish
6 x Guppies
5 x Scissortails
1 x Bala/Silver Shark (LFS didn't tell me these guys would grow to nearly a foot as he gets bigger I will have to find him a new home).
Not sure of the plants but if anyone can help indetify them that would be great. I know that the broad leaf ones keep on floating to the top of the tank which is really annoying.
Current hardware:
1 x canister filter 1200 l/hr
1 x 200 watt heater
1 x 30 watt Aquaglo light
Any comments greatly appreciated.
Fireman Sam