

Fish Crazy
Dec 19, 2006
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Plymouth UK
hi there ive got 1 male and 5 female swordtails and have noticed red spots on the fish where i suspect the gravid spot should be if they are pregnant,

is this red spot a sign of pregnancy or something else


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All 4 of the females have this spot and i have only found mentions of 'black' spots and not of red so this is what has thrown me.

Any genereal tips on plants to buy that will help the lil fry survive?

Any guestimates on how long till they girls will 'pop'

oh and i'd be interested to know if other ppl think she is preg or not too

Cheers in Advance
some times the gravid spot can look redish,
if all four have this im sure they are pregnant, looking at the pic i would say she was about 2 weeks gone, my sword has fry every 4-5 weeks, bushy live plants are best for fry to hide in, :)
Ty donna off to the shops i go to get some bushier plants :)
Im going to be going away on xmas day to visit family and will be gone for 3 weeks allthough ive got someone to pop in once or twice during that time to change the holiday blocks and give them a a quick flake food is there any other food i should get for the fry or just leave them to there own devices.
feed up your mums on blood worm and brine shrimp, as for the fry all i gave mine were fine crushed up flake and when they were bigger shrimp, they do find food in the main tank if they survive not being eaten you will have the best strongest ones left, good luck, Donna :)
Here's a photo of my tank any tips on any arrangments to best suit possible fry plz advise!!!

Also note the pic is pre water change hence it being a lil merky.

I have

26 Neon tetras
5 Spectra Neons
1 Black Widow Tetra
5 'other' Tetra's
5 Swordtails
1 Clown Loach (other 2 died after a bad case of white spot)
2 Gourami
6 Tiger Barbs (very placid)
3 Rosy Barbs (very placid)
3 Cherry Barbs (only agressive to themsleves)
2 Chech Rams.

The Tank is a rio 180

I dont think fry have much chance as it is with all the barbs as it is so any tips will be for a good cause lol


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yes i know what you mean with barbs,
just lots of plants really, in my 180 i use to have a net breeder hanging at the back ready to scoop up any fry, the fry use to hide behind this and in the floating plants where the other fish could not get to them,
shame about the clowns, i lost all 5 of mine to white spot.
yeah i lost my clowns 3 weeks after i bought them :(

when i first added them the tigers were very aggresive to them but one clown which i think is the one who survived used to fight back and is now become one of the gang. i honestly believe it think its a tiger as where ever the tigers are so is the clown.
yes it could be the markings,
as you know clowns like to be with a group, i had one that lasted a week after i lost the others who swam with platys.

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