Sick Mollie


Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2005
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lincolnshire england
I have just returned from my mums in liverpool to find one of the many Mollies stuck or so i thought in a floating plant,we freed her to find she has 2 large (for her) red to orange blobs protruding from her body around the anal fin area shes swam off behind the rocks so i couldnt get a closer look can any one help hear?what is it ? what should i do?
all the other fish are fine havent done water stats as yet but i wouldnt of thought it would have anything to do with it anyway, could be wrong though i guess.
Water stats would be good in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
The blobs are they lumps like there filled with liquid, or do they look hard.
Any circling of white around the blobs.
A pic would be good if you can load one up.
Water stats would be good in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
The blobs are they lumps like there filled with liquid, or do they look hard.
Any circling of white around the blobs.
A pic would be good if you can load one up.

shes disapeared behind the plants etc i cant get a good look at her rear :grr:
im not sure about them being soft hard liquid filled???
they are just lumpy looking lumps either side to undernieth her ive never seen anything like it befor i havent noticed any white around them and none of the other fish are sick etc, I dont have a web cam or attachments to transfare pics from a video phone ( baught one for my son for christmas ssshhhhhhh)
Can you issolate her, I would try a bacterial med on her.

i had a look at the page you posted , it was informative thank you, Unfortuneatly the fish died in the night on closer look at the offending lumps they acctualy look like her insides have come out? the lumps are squashie and have little round things inside look like eggs? there is no white on them as in growing on them
but they have white inside which resemble your intestines, Hubby is going to help me scan her in to the comp so i can post a picture of it when hes finnished fiddling in his shed that is lol. may be then some one could identify what killed her?.
Lumpy_Fish.jpgok this is the photo can any one tell me what it is? besides a mollie with 2 lumps out its ass :lol:
Bless her could be tumours, the eggs did you find out what they were, just wan't to rule out internal parasites.
Bless her could be tumours, the eggs did you find out what they were, just wan't to rule out internal parasites.

well with out opening her up i dont know! as you can just about see in the photo they are small seethrough spheres some yellowish like her i will keep on trying to track what it was down as it may of been nasty and infect my other fish :shout: Could it be possible for her to of had a hernia some how she burst????
i dont think it looks parasitic but i could be wrong.
Alot of livebearers seem to burst with there organs sticking out.
Bless her.
Don't know to be honest a number of things probably.
Don't know to be honest a number of things probably.

Oh well shes safe now and happy in the big fish bowl in the sky she was one of my 2 batch of babies born on my wedding anniversary 21 april this year i saw her born ive burried her in the pot under the outside christmas tree away from my prowling moggies.
thank Wilder
Sorry R.I.P.
I know about cats digging things up.
well ive just combed the net and acctually found a piece from this forum from back in 2003 well it nailed it for me the poor fish had developed tumors.

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