New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2005
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well some of you will know that iam shutting down my 7ft reef tank,
and starting a smaller tank
well here it is,
100 x 51 x 61 cm , has twin 55mm holes , made fit filtrations ,holds about 68 gal,
black glass weir


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well some of you will know that iam shutting down my 7ft reef tank,
and starting a smaller tank
well here it is,
100 x 51 x 61 cm , has twin 55mm holes , made fit filtrations ,holds about 68 gal,
black glass weir

Should make for beautiful tank :good: Are you making this a reef as well or are you gonna do a freshy?
great reef.

A lotta people on here are oscar people too. I'm not one :lol:
Honestly, if it's a 2 foot wide tank, there are so many other things you have to consider!
Rays.... fire eels.... Ornate bichir....even bala sharks and clown loaches at full length....

You have SO many exotic options that people don't get to see every day in their right enviornment.
why not expand the horizon and do something crazy like that?
final update of new tank for this year,

heres the simple sump area

starting from the left side, 2x 40mm drain pipes enter! skimmer section ,this then flows over a 3.5 in bed of sugar sized sand bed which has a layer of larger gravel/and l.r rubble.
then overflows into the section where the or 3500 pump returns the water to the main tank,
the strirrer /peri pump comes on at nights to keep the levels up


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:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

That is amazing!
One of the best reefs ive ever seen!
Truely a wondeful tank.
You must be a real pro :good:
thank you very much! but i am not a pro ,still leaning and the day i have nothing to learn,will be the time to give up, :D

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