Struggling With Plants


Fish Fanatic
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
Alsager, Staffordshire
Ive had my tank running for almost a year now, but only seriously planted for about a month. Here are my specs:

39"x18"x15" tank
Fluval 4 plus filter
1x 54w Intepet bulb
1x25w tropical bulb (soon with reflector)
2x nutrafin co2 sets (using own formula)
fertilise once weekly with nutrafin plant gro

Readings using a tetra test kit:

10 Gh
0-1 nitrite
100-150 nitrate

Im not sure if my Kh readings are correct because when i measure them straight from the tap they come to the same (0-1), so i cant really work out my co2 levels. But im not really struggling with algae at least.

My plants are growing well, but not right. My polysperma is growing great but the shoots near the bottom are struggling. And my other plants are getting holes in them with the occasional leaf yellowing and falling off. Can anyone help me on this or got any tips?
Here is a picture:

I take it this is a low light tank? Sounds like a nutrient deficiency to me, you could try increasing the dose of fert, or getting some form of substrate fert like root tats.

BTW you sure you've got 1ppm Nitrite? You shouldn't have any in a mature tank, same goes for ammonia.

That's one high nitrate reading you've got there! In planted tank terms you've got a very lightly planted tank so they are probably not taking up much in the way of nitrates. You'll have to up the water changes (although I'd also check the reading).
You say the lower shoots are struggling. By this I assume you mean that they are slow growing. This is a good sign that the light isn't getting to the deeper parts of the tank. The wpg that is talked about generally assumes that the reflectors are in place.
Holes in leaves and leaves falling off are good signs of deficiencies. Obviously it's not a nitrate deficiency though!


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