Crystal Red Shrimps


Fish Herder
Jun 13, 2006
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Have had the shrimps for a few months, these are pics of the first babies, I think they are about 5 days old. Very tiny and cute.

Mother with eggs

baby on Co2 diffuser

baby on glass with a penny for scale

Thats class, hope my bumblebees and red cherries start reproducing!!
There going to go down EXTREMELY well with your other inhabitants! :drool: Nothing beats live foods! :good: Congrats, terrific photographs too! :nod:
Very nice, this is what i hope to be seeing in my aquacube, although i have a feeling even the microrasboras will eat the baby shrimp :( .
Wow, amazing...

DO you know how to sex them and the way they breed? I am interested to learn and wish to have some cute baby shrimp too. :)
:wub: Gorgeous pics. That baby is too cute. Congrats. Hope you're going to be posting pics of them on a regular basis so we can watch them grow.

Glad you liked the little shrimps.

Vancouver: I haven’t made any big effort with them, they have a five gallon tank with slightly acidic ph6.8 GH 5 water, and a small HOB filter, I give them veg and gold fish flake, most of their food comes from the micro organisms growing on the plants and surfaces in the tank. There are 16 adult shrimp 6 cherries (all female so no baby cherries) and 10 crs, no fish so the babies should be safe. I give them very small amounts of food a couple of gold fish flakes and half a pea keeps them fed for a couple of days. There is a lot of moss and small plants in the tank, they like hiding places and are constantly grazing. Water changes 30% a week.

Three-fingers; yeah microrasboras would eat the babies they are much smaller than some of the food my rasbora Brigitte can eat. Ottos are shrimplet safe but that’s about it. Some babies would survive maybe in a really heavily planted tank.

Wei; the males have slimmer bodies than females, they are easy to tell apart when they are adult. The females moult then release a hormone into the water as the eggs are released onto the cavity, the males get very active swimming around looking for the female jumping on anything that moves. The eggs take up to a month to hatch depending on the temperature I keep them at 22C, over 25C the survival rate of the babies decreases I believe.

Alex&Carmen, yeah will be happy to post more pics if and when they grow more.

A clearer pic of a baby I took today on a glosso leaf, there is a hydra in the pic it looks big enough to catch a shrimplet, dont know if it could or not.


The shrimp house.

Thats a lovely little tank you have there, perfect set up for shrimps. I kept Cherrys & CRS for a while on there own in a tank & ended up with loads of cherrys but not so many CRS. Sounds like you have the perfect water parameters for breeding them. Good Luck, keep us updated :good:
I just bought a few red cherry shrimps, the more I see the baby shrimp's pic; the more I want to have some. They are just too cute. :)
An update for anyone interested in CRS, they have about doubled in size in a week and their colour is coming out, another batch has hatched from another female and they make the first ones look big by comparison, they still aren’t eating any of the food I put hopefully they are getting enough micro-food.

A baby with an adult male

baby close up

Oh my gosh! So cute...

oh no... tell them all to run... my signature sees them! :lol:

great shrimp. I'd love them for my own tanks that have fish that wouldn't eat them

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