My Leopard Gecko

spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
He's nearly 2 years old now.

Wot a handsome little fella :wub:

for goodness sake, i hope my son dosnt see this, he wanted one in the summer but i said no way..they look cute tho, am thinking now its a maybe, are they easy to keep, heated tank ,lights etc. do they bite?
I love that first pic. Id like to nominate it for pic of the month :good:
Thanks :D
Keep in mind these arent the normal colors, he has alot more orange then the regular ones. I got him at a reptile show.
for goodness sake, i hope my son dosnt see this, he wanted one in the summer but i said no way..they look cute tho, am thinking now its a maybe, are they easy to keep, heated tank ,lights etc. do they bite?

They are VERRRY easy to keep. I have him in a 20 gallon long tank with a paper towel substrate, very easy to clean once a week. I just throw out the paper towels and put new ones in. I feed him mostly superworms, i keep them in a plastic tupperware container. I throw a few carrots in now and then to give the superworms something to drink and eat. I found that the crickets would always die on me and they smell bad. The superworms i keep in my room, and the fish also love them! They dont need UV lighting, so i just have a regular 75 watt bulb heating the tank. I also have a 75 watt night bulb which heats it the same, but its red. Mine doesnt bite unless hes very hungry.
mine bit me when i had a locust on me hand while it was in the tank she got the locust and me. doesnt hurt but taught me to be so stupid :stupid:
well, since this has been bumped up again I'd like to second the nomination for POTM ;) (I like first pic)
Wot a handsome little fella :wub:

for goodness sake, i hope my son dosnt see this, he wanted one in the summer but i said no way..they look cute tho, am thinking now its a maybe, are they easy to keep, heated tank ,lights etc. do they bite?

If you are interested I am looking to rehome my leopard gecko. He has a nice big tank with heat mat, light all kit and a great book on their care.

I am in North Wales and will deliver any distance in UK to get him a good home :)

They are really easy to keep, just make sure he is cleaned out regularly, is the right temp, has fresh water and a fresh supply of crickets and calcium powder and give him a fuss every day.

If anyone is interested in adopting Larry then e mail me!! [email protected]
He's lovely. I've always wanted a gecko, just never got round to buying one. Now I'm tempted!
i made the mistake of looking at them in the local reptile shop at the weekend and now have a lovely male high yellow :X so friendly. planning on breeding in the new year :D

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