White Pimple On Platy Tail


Sep 7, 2006
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Seattle, WA U.S.A.
Here are two pictures of one of our platies, Blondie. Her fin for a while has been two small lighter areas where the white thing is now. Any ideas?

Will get tank stats up on just a second.

Pics are not working.
Are they a greysih white and do they have a red circling around them.
Any luck with these?


Pimple, yes. Don't see any obvious redness. Not cluster of berries. Also, its definitely only on ONE side of her fin. Can't see it from the other.
Bacterial her fins look abit white on the edges as well.
What that pink ribbon thing handing down or is it me lol.
Is it white as in the pic looks abit pinkish in colour.

Is it white as in the pic looks abit pinkish in colour.
The reason we called her blondie is because her fins are naturally pretty transparent, which I think is what you see there, if you are talking about the last 1/2 of her tail fin.
Her tail should be all black it looks like it has white edges to it, but finrot can be a secondary bacterial infection.
Never seen poo that thick or pink, get her going on some shelled peas..

Need a bacterial med, like maracyn up to you if you use maracyn one and two.
Good luck.
Don't forget to increase aeration in the tank and remove black carbon if you use it.
Also check stats before you add the med.
Wouldn't worry about it, might be just the pic, they can be deceiving as well as helping at times.
I have the same thing on my guppy's pectoral fin, he's had it for a while now and it doesn't seem to be of any danger, so I've ignored it. But I'll let you know if he ends up dieing though.

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