

Fish Herder
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Tank size: 250 litres
pH: 6.8
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 40ppm
kH: 5
gH: 7
tank temp: 24C

Fish symptoms: have had the two ottos for three months, while they were in quarantine I did notice a slight greyish colour on the head. I thought it was just their colouring as they ate well and where lively. I have four others of the same type from before who are all healthy. They were thin when I got them. They haven’t put on weight and one may have lost some even though they are actively eating, vegetables and algae wafers daily and mussels twice a week.

Water changes 15% twice a week.

No new additions to tank since the addition of the two sick ottos.

Tank mates are, 2 Darios , 14 cardinals, 6 rasbora Brigitte, 9 amano shrimps, 3 SAE’s 1betta, 2 rams 8 bothia sidthimunki 6 cories.

This pic shows the difference on the back of the head, the greyish, it looks more under the skin than on it.


There is a raised bubble under the skin, near the eye, the other otto has more grey skin and no blister raised skin

Much thanks in advance, its not exactly an emergency, but they are not improving and have got worse, I need to try something to help them. Thanks
Going thin can be internal parasites, fish tb, to flukes.
Grey skin can be bad water quality, parasites to bacterial infections.
Bubbles beneath the skin can be gas bubble desease.
Any signs of the plec rubbing there selfs on things.
Any laboured breathing.
Does the greyish patch look fluffy.
No they aren’t doing any rubbing and the breathing is normal, the same rate as the unaffected ones. Its hard to see in the pic but the skin looks kind of thin where its grey, under the magnifying glass the little bristles (bit like shark skin) the ottos have are missing or shortened on the grey bits, the grey isn’t fluffy. I think they both have the same thing even though only one of them has a raised area of skin. The water quality is pretty good I think, I am pretty regular with water changes and the fish in the tank are all quite small species so the tank is not overstocked.

Thanks for the help, I guess maybe moving them to their own tank would be good in case its contagious, I am not sure what to treat for but I think if I don’t they will be in serious trouble eventually. So it’s maybe a case of better to try something than nothing. I hadn’t seen them in a week the tank has a lot of plants and as there are six of them I usually only see about four at a time and I didn’t really think it was an issue until I saw them today. As I said they were active and eating.
Thanks Wilder for your efforts, there aren’t any other symptoms.
Don't like the sound of them being thin.
Check the anus to make sure it not red and inflamed or enlarged, also check what it looks like when they go to the toilet.
It a parasite to a bacterial infection, hard to say really but if it was a parasite would of expected to see abit of flicking and rubbing.
Also on the tummy region does it look sunken in, any signs of deformaties.
No the tummies are pretty normal looking and as I said there isnt anything else I noticed, the anus looks fine too. It was really when I saw them with the others which is only when I feed them mussels that I get to compare them, and as they are supposed to eat mostly veg I dont give them those that often. I will check them more closley tomorrow to see if I have missed anything.
For now if you can issolate them try a bacterial med.
Will get one on Monday, thanks. Any particular med you would recommend
Thanks again

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