Captain Neon
New Member
Over the weekend, I set up and aquascaped my tank, ready to cycle and stock up. I have a small variety of plants, including Vallis, Elodea Densa, Amazon Swords, red and green varieties of Cryptocoryne Wendtii, Hydrocotyle Leucocephala and Green Umbrella Fern. I also have a plant that I bought from my LFS that I can't seem to identify anywhere, and I've scoured the web and my reference books with no results. (Stupidly, I asked the LFS assistant about ease of keeping, rather than plant names, so I didn't catch anything he may have said about it.) The plant is rooted on a piece of bogwood, and looks like tall, stiff grass, with white-edged green leaves. Does anyone know what this is, and if there are any special requirements for it?