My Dennis The Menace Theme Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2006
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Ok, please don't shoot me down for the photography, they were taken on a 5yr old 1.3mp Fujifilm finepix1300 its a wonder anything can be seen at all!

The tank is not really finished, I still have some plantage to go, I was thinking of perhaps some Japanese Moss balls and Riccia on some of the slate.

But I thought I ought to put something on the thead, it felt a litle voyeuristic to keep checking out everyone elses tanks without laying my cards down on the table so to speak.


  • montague_copy.jpg
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black and red contrast is one of the few good non natural contrasts using gravel IMO. good job!
Cheers! No, shes an ACF but she seems to have slowed right down in the growing department, her other half had to go the Club Tank because he is about three times the size and they were the same when purchased, but she does have 2 ADFs to keep her company for the time being.
And this is my downstairs tank, I kind of tried to go for a more natural look for this one. Just finished making my first coke bottle C02 thingy cos it seems to be at its capacity for plants without it.

A couple of days and I get to see whether I made it right or I have to decorate cos its exploded and covered my kitchen with yeast! How exiting!


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