
Find a breeder whose fish you like on AB. PM them with a question about their fish. Say how much you like their fish. They may offer to sell you a pair without having to win the auction. Different suppliers and breeders have different policies. Most breeders will have more that one pair from a spawn. Many will even have a web site.
Find a breeder whose fish you like on AB. PM them with a question about their fish. Say how much you like their fish. They may offer to sell you a pair without having to win the auction. Different suppliers and breeders have different policies. Most breeders will have more that one pair from a spawn. Many will even have a web site.

Yea, I've been looking around aquabid and looking at different people's websites, but dunno... :-( None compares to that copper rosetail betta for me. I really wanted him oh so much.

I will just keep searching aquabid + ebay religiously until I see another one that just captures my heart.
Ohh, thanks, Jollysue. I haven't really thought of that... :X

Haeun, you're going to vet school? I was considering that, but somebody told me I would do good in law. :lol: Do you have to do a lot of chemistry (organic) and math for vet school? That part pretty much turned me off, even though I love the hell out of animals. But I thought about putting down animals and saying goodbye to them, and even like...dealing with their owners, and I was afraid of growing immune to pet death and eventually not loving my pets as much anymore. :(

How is it, studying veterinary? :D Tell me about it, please. :) It sounds interesting.

Oh, and when we both start breeding betta, we can start trading. Oh, what fun~
Yes, a lot of chemistry and a lot of biology (I love biology and chemistry is starting to grow on me) but math is actually minimal here. I only need to take 2 quarters plus a quarter of statistics. I actually like math but I would rather take more biology classes instead.
And vet school is so competitive to get into; harder than med school, actually. :S

My dad's a vet though and I'm used to working around vets so I'm pretty used to the work. It is so sad when you have to euthanize pets, and it kind of makes me :( when I see my dad a bit callous about it, but I still want to get into it. If not, I can always go into veterinary research, which I also REALLY want to do.

YAY, betta breeding! Friends! Trading! :fun:

OHOHOH! Sanya (the seller of the rosetail male) said she has two more from the same spawn, one ST and one DT! Both are awesome, but I can't decide!
The DT is ... a DT! A DT HM Copper Mustard Gas Rosetail!
But the ST has better fins, methinks.

Help me choose! *points to attachments*
The first picture is the ST, and the second is the DT (or at least I hope).

I considered maybe getting BOTH if I really can't decide in the end, but I'm kind of leaning toward the DT right now.


  • STrosetail.jpg
    34.4 KB · Views: 42
  • DTsanyarosetail.jpg
    32.7 KB · Views: 38
I'd go for that DT any day, UNF
On one hand, I kind of wish I got a sibling male from Jenn when I ordered a female, but I <3 this fella. :blush: He would be $35 more than I would've paid for one of Jenn's, but I guess he would be worth it? So yea, I'm going for it.
But yikes, I spent so much money the past few months! Good thing I got a $100 from a competition and I'm getting a job soon. This hobby is money-burning!
Haeun, I'm going to vet school too! I'm hoping for Cornell, though. :) You're so lucky that your dad is a vet, you'll have no problem getting into vet school with all that experience!! :D

Anyhoo, I definitely vote for the DT, he's gorgeous! :wub:
Outstanding, Haeun!

I am glad it worked for you. :hey:

I think I would ask if he would include a sibling pair.

Say, "Thanks for spending all my money, Sue!"

My son went to Vet school on the east coast someplace but burned out and hid under the covers, before he finished. So he graduated this spring frim Johns Hopkins U. with a masters in genetic engineering at 44 years-old. Does that say anything about how hard vet school is? :shifty:
Outstanding, Haeun!

I am glad it worked for you. :hey:

I think I would ask if he would include a sibling pair.

Say, "Thanks for spending all my money, Sue!"

My son went to Vet school on the east coast someplace but burned out and hid under the covers, before he finished. So he graduated this spring frim Johns Hopkins U. with a masters in genetic engineering at 44 years-old. Does that say anything about how hard vet school is? :shifty:

:hyper: YAH, I almost forgot to ask for a sibling pair. Thanks, you're awesome.
Vet school sounds so hard, but I was very inspired after interning at SNU during the summer and spending a few months with some students who already earned their DVMs!

Haeun, I'm going to vet school too! I'm hoping for Cornell, though. :) You're so lucky that your dad is a vet, you'll have no problem getting into vet school with all that experience!! :D

Anyhoo, I definitely vote for the DT, he's gorgeous! :wub:

Heheh, of course, I aiming for Cornell too, but Cornell = #1 Vet School = SO HARD!
We'll see if my GPA and experiences are up to par by application time. I feel so inadequate though!
Heheh, of course, I aiming for Cornell too, but Cornell = #1 Vet School = SO HARD!
We'll see if my GPA and experiences are up to par by application time. I feel so inadequate though!
Yah, I know, lol. The main reason I want to go to Cornell is that it's so close to me, less than 2 hours! I'm hoping to transfer to Cornell for undergrad next fall (in my second year at community college now) for animal science, because out of all undergrad students from Cornell that apply to vet school (any of them, not just Cornell's), 85% get in... pretty impressive! Who knows if I'll ever get into Cornell at all, though... although the admissions counsellor was pretty encouraging when I went there. :)
Heheh, of course, I aiming for Cornell too, but Cornell = #1 Vet School = SO HARD!
We'll see if my GPA and experiences are up to par by application time. I feel so inadequate though!
Yah, I know, lol. The main reason I want to go to Cornell is that it's so close to me, less than 2 hours! I'm hoping to transfer to Cornell for undergrad next fall (in my second year at community college now) for animal science, because out of all undergrad students from Cornell that apply to vet school (any of them, not just Cornell's), 85% get in... pretty impressive! Who knows if I'll ever get into Cornell at all, though... although the admissions counsellor was pretty encouraging when I went there. :)

WOW, that's awesome! :hyper: I didn't know that! Maybe I should consider transferring to Cornell!
I've heard how hard vet school is, and how competitive it is, and I'm not a very competitive person. Right now I am a lazy student, I just do enough to get by. :( That's bad for a sophomore student in the pre-IB program, gah. Well, maybe I will have time to shape up and work hard (I find it hard to keep motivated) for classes like math and science. I do a lot better in english, art, photo, history...where logic isn't really required, and it's more of an inspirational thing.

Heh, anybody knows any good law schools besides Harvard? My parents want to keep me instate for college, because it's less expensive, and then for my masters, someplace good. I'm starting to look into it. You people are starting to arouse my vet-side again. >_>; Is statistics math like discrete math? That's what I'm taking junior year if I do good in college algebra and topics combined. Sounds...far off. :sad:

And...AURGH!! Haeun, I can't choose! I like the SD because of the tail, but the DT is so pretty too!!! :wub: Umm, umm, umm.....>_< UMM grr... I would get both if I had a lot of money, but you're a college student! I can't encourage you to spend your money like that...I'll go with the SD. I think that was the hardest decision I have ever made in my life. :lol:
I would listen to Synirr. Go with the DT. Only thing with the heavy tails it gets harder when they get older to swim. But for breeding--I'd heed Synirr.

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