My Rio 240l


Fish Crazy
Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
North London
Well here it is, the final Setup, I will upload more pics, but my memory card reader has crashed :angry:
Will sort that out tomorrow and get better pics. Ordered plant fertaliser as the plants are all new and still small. Can't wait till the plants are taller... I have orderd some Riccia for my smaller 54L tank, it was my first tank and has 3 platies and 20+ Platy fry... I have also orderd more fast growing and hardy plants.


Fish Stock = 2 Gold Gurami's, 2 Opline Guarami's, 2 Pearl Gourami's, 24 Tetra's (Cardinals + Black Neons), 2 Platy's (My Starter Fish), 2 Baby Angels, 2 x Baby Pleco's (very cute), 1 x Red Tailed shark, 2 x Krib (1 missing in action), 2 x Peppered Cory. 2 x Khuli Loaches.
The rocks at both ends look reaallyy good :D

Got pics of dem baby plecs? :hey:

Thanks guys. Well here is a pick of one of the baby pleco's, you can see he is small next to to eheim's out take thingy and the suction cap, and also one of my other fav's is the red tailed shark... All comments appreciated (good and bad)...

haha. "Final setup". There's no such thing, even when it's perfect, a fishkeeper is gonna keep messing and tweaking with his tank, adding plants and such.... 8)
haha. "Final setup". There's no such thing, even when it's perfect, a fishkeeper is gonna keep messing and tweaking with his tank, adding plants and such.... 8)

Ha ha that's true!!!

looking good though, well done!
tee hee, that is true, i have orderd some plants from the net and will be adding in some more, well I was told by my LFS that is was a red tailed shark, but it is slim and long, she said it is almost adult...
Been looking at RTS over the weekend at a few places and that does look like a Ruby to me BUT ........... Hey thats me so I wouldn't take much notice :lol: :lol: :lol: at all !
Defo a Ruby Shark, not a Red Tail Black Shark. Red Tails are black and the only red bit is the tail whereas Ruby Sharks have red fins as well as tail.

Very nice tank though! Looks great! :good:

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