Dalejr_802 Tank Pictures


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
okay my tank is almost a month old, at first my tank look like this

day 1


then a few days later i added some LR about 10 lbs


2 weeks - i added more LR about 15 lbs all equal to 25 lbs


3 weeks - i bought 25 lbs of LR


then last night i aquascape my tank and now it look like this and just today i bought 6 turbo sails and 4 hermit crab (i forgot their nemes but they have red leggs) and some of my hermit start cleaning my tank


fish - 2 damsels im plannig to take them out and put a pair of clowns this wednesday because my LFS sold all of them

rocks - 50 lbs 20 fiji and 30 baserock

substrate - 40 lbs of aragonite live sand and 20 lbs of dead sand

light - 260 watts CP made by orbit

powerheads - 3 1200 maxijet

skimmer - 125 coralife

tank - 50 gallon

temp - 80

heater - N/A because my temp is steady at 80f

filter - fluval 404 got this on close out sale for 60 USD i have carbon in it, sponge and those things where it house bacteria i forgot wat it was called

i have a timer for my lights

and i thik thats it.......oh and is it OK to cover your input pipe for ur filter with rocks like wat i have located on the left side

and finally thx for all the peeps who help me along the way i kno i asked alot of question and even bugged some of u
1st (ly) Your aquascaping looks good

I think you are a bit light of Circulation/Flow – If I am right it is currently at 14x

Can I ask why you are using an External with sponges etc.- your Liverock takes care of your Biological Filtration

Good luck removing the Damsels

PS – You need to top up the tank

Great little thread! The good thing about these picture threads are, when you keep coming back yo get the full life of the tank, and how its metamorphasized (sp? :p ). Keep us updated! :good:
nice one mate! :D

if you are going to run the external make sure you keep it really clean - if I were you I'd just use it to keep some carbon and phosphate reduction in, i've decided to keep floss in mine too, but I chuck it out when I replace the row-phos, at least once a month it hasn't affected the nitrates yet.


do u guys have any suggestions on catching my damsels

and wat should i put on my canister filter i have carbon biomax and sponge
I made a trap out of eggcrate to trap a damsel

I would remove all the Bio Filtration from your cannister & maybe add some liverock Rubble & Phosphate remover :good:
My LFS rented out "The Trap" (thats its real name) which is an acrylic tube with a trap door on one end and a food place on the other. Fish swims in the trap, let the door drop down, and one trapped fish. Took forever to get my flame angel out since he was wary of the trap though :hey:
well i got one of them (4 stripe damsels) and now i have 1 more to go a yellow tail damsel so do u think i can just live it in there im plannig to get some cleaner shrimps clowns and some other reef safe fish/peaceful fish

hey chac are u talkin about the little ceramic looking thing that u put on top of ur canister filter think they call it biomax not really sure..........is phosphate bad for ur aquarium im kinda new at this marine aquarium.........wat else should i put in there theres about 4 trays in there......heres wat im planning to put in it LR, phosphate remover sponge and carbon...............ohhh do u want me to take out the carbon too chac

do you guys think that i should buy all of my CUC all at the same time (i found this website that offers free ovenite shipping and their stuff are cheap too) and put the all at the same time...........and do i feed them........some of my rock has algea (the old ones) and some are prety clean just showing some brown algea but its not that much yet...........................................im getting my clowns this wednesday will it be safe to put the inverts after my clowns
do u thnk that i could get a pacific blue tang about 1-1/2 inch long for my 50 gallon aquarium

and im just curious about my powerhead, i think its kinda strong because some of my fish are having a hard time swimming and when im feedng them the food go all over the place.......and do u think i should turn off my powerheads when im feeding so the food wont get suck in

im really sorry that im asking alot of questions im a bigginer so i hope u guys understand im just curious on all this because i want to make everything right
well i got one of them (4 stripe damsels) and now i have 1 more to go a yellow tail damsel so do u think i can just live it in there im plannig to get some cleaner shrimps clowns and some other reef safe fish/peaceful fish
They are devil fish, but it depends on the temprement of each fish I guess

hey chac are u talkin about the little ceramic looking thing that u put on top of ur canister filter think they call it biomax not really sure..........is phosphate bad for ur aquarium im kinda new at this marine aquarium.........wat else should i put in there theres about 4 trays in there......heres wat im planning to put in it LR, phosphate remover sponge and carbon...............ohhh do u want me to take out the carbon too chac

Phosphates will feed nusience algea in your tank, so a Phos Remover (ROWA) would be very benificial
LiveRock Rubble, Nitrate Remover, Leave the Carbon in - No need for the sponge as this is a Bio Filter - which is the job of your LR

do you guys think that i should buy all of my CUC all at the same time (i found this website that offers free ovenite shipping and their stuff are cheap too) and put the all at the same time...........and do i feed them........some of my rock has algea (the old ones) and some are prety clean just showing some brown algea but its not that much yet...........................................im getting my clowns this wednesday will it be safe to put the inverts after my clowns

May be an idea to give your tank more time to manture before buying loads of live that really there only food is what your tank produces itself

I would only add snails & Crabs(if you are adding crabs) at teh moment - no Stars or Conchs just yet

do u thnk that i could get a pacific blue tang about 1-1/2 inch long for my 50 gallon aquarium

I wouldnt - all you will end up with is a stress Tang & that leads to Whitspot - to easily with Tangs
and im just curious about my powerhead, i think its kinda strong because some of my fish are having a hard time swimming and when im feedng them the food go all over the place.......and do u think i should turn off my powerheads when im feeding so the food wont get suck in

Your fish will be fine & Yeah you can turn of the Skimmer & or pumps when feeding
im really sorry that im asking alot of questions im a bigginer so i hope u guys understand im just curious on all this because i want to make everything right

No probs :good:
about the blue tang im not trying to keep him for very long i would probobly trade him in or give him to someone when he outgrows my tank so do u guys think its possible to keep one and wat size do u thihnk i should go up with until i trade him in or give it to somebody............i really like their color..........ad do u think its better to add him the last one (if its still possible to put him in)
i cant catch my yellow tail damsel do u think its safe to keep him in there with a pair of clown that im getting next week
Big risk, damsels are the spawn of satan and dont like newcomers to their territory... Have you tried taking your LR out, putting it in a bucket of mixed slatwater for a few minutes and netting the little bugger when he's got no place to hide?

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