Is This "ich"? Picture Enclosed......

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Sep 29, 2006
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IMG_2277mmm_edited_1.jpgI am a total newbie and just noticed tonight that one of my fish in my tank is not very active. I took this photo and it looks like ich to me.

I have read on how to treat this disease but what are the chances of this fish dieing? Also of the others in the tank getting infected?
yeah that is white spot or ich!!

what other fish do you have in the tank? mollies and platys are very prone to this if they are stressed or unhappy about something!

that looks like quite a bad case on that fish but if you start treating soon enough, remember to take your carbon out of your filters if there is any in there, knock up the temperature in the tank a few degrees he should pull through ok :) they are quite hardy little dudes :)

keep a sharp eye on your other fish i would imagine if this fish has it that bad one or two of the others might aswell :)

good luck :)
if the ich has got into the gills it dont look good for that fish sorry and the chances are it has spread to your other fish too even if you cant see it yet:( id recommend waterlife treatment if you can get it its what i used to use with great success when i kept clown loach :good:and i dont agree with the bad jokes either guys :no:
I left out a few key points, I have a ten gallon tank which has been set up for a little over a week with this fish, another one like it, three neons, and a little algie sucker. None of the other fish have presented with these symptoms yet but I am starting treatment today........ I will post back here with results in a little while.
yep its ich... looks bad...

try melafix or adding aquarium salt .... if you dont do it soon i think it will die

all your other fish probably have it to if its that bad..

treatment is a must for you at this stage..

try heating the water just a little more...
I've found that the best way to shift whitespot is to turn up the the temperature in the tank, switch off the aquarium lights (I believe that the protozoa use some form of photosynthesis to multiply) and apply the appropriate treatment.

The best treatment I can recommend is King British WS3. Be careful not to overdose, though!
If this is not available in your LFS, I'd recommend Waterlife Protozin.

try melafix or adding aquarium salt .... if you dont do it soon i think it will die

I believe that Melafix is used more to remedy bacterial infections, rather than protozoan parasites.
My neons and pleco have never had the whitespot either. Mollies and platies are more prone to it i feel. Good luck with the treatments, its a right pain in the bum disease.
I've found that the best way to shift whitespot is to turn up the the temperature in the tank, switch off the aquarium lights (I believe that the protozoa use some form of photosynthesis to multiply) and apply the appropriate treatment.

The best treatment I can recommend is King British WS3. Be careful not to overdose, though!
If this is not available in your LFS, I'd recommend Waterlife Protozin.

try melafix or adding aquarium salt .... if you dont do it soon i think it will die

I believe that Melafix is used more to remedy bacterial infections, rather than protozoan parasites.
There is no photosynthesis in the pathogen.

For real science on how to defeat Ich (and to know exactly what it is you are up against) go here:
OK I started my treatment today in my aquarium. Couple of other questions:

Why do they say to take out your carbon filter while doing the treatments? The water will get very dirty very fast won't it? Just do regular partial changes during this time? Is it going to cause problems adding conditioner along with Ich medication as far as putting too many chemicals in the water?

I am sure I know the answer to my other question but is it ok to introduce new fish into the aquarium while I am treating it for Ich, I am sure the answer is no but just checking...

Thanks for all the help!!!!!!!

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