Shape Change


New Member
Jul 22, 2006
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Leicester U.K
Any body have any idea as why my sunset platty has changed shape he seems to have taken on a hump back almost arch shapeed, its still eat and swimming around fine, been like it for a week now, also noticed of my danios has gone arch shaped but he dont look to clever resting on the bottom gasping for air

That resembles Consumption as my mothers Goldfish just suffered very similiar symptoms and got a sunken stomach and lost it's equilibrium and sadly died today. I would isolate the platy and raise temperature and add salt just see if there is a improvement at all then research some treatment possibilities. :/
That resembles Consumption as my mothers Goldfish just suffered very similiar symptoms and got a sunken stomach and lost it's equilibrium and sadly died today. I would isolate the platy and raise temperature and add salt just see if there is a improvement at all then research some treatment possibilities. :/

you should probably find out whats wrong before you start adding anything!

if it is tb then salt isnt gonna do much.

and u dont kno what plecs are in there so adding salt could do more harm than good.

Corrina - post the pic in the emergency section, mite get more help there.
you should probably find out whats wrong before you start adding anything!

if it is tb then salt isnt gonna do much.

and u dont kno what plecs are in there so adding salt could do more harm than good.

Corrina - post the pic in the emergency section, mite get more help there.

Thanks all for trying to help, i cant add salt cause of my little corys, will post pic in the other section

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