More Fish Pics


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2003
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Decided to take some more pics and I seem to have gone mad :crazy: . Just couldn't stop clicking away :D

I've tried to get a pic of every fish that I have.... firstly here’s my one of my two peppered Corys.


  • Pepperedcory.JPG
    57.9 KB · Views: 30
i like the zray tetra against the castle - he looks like a sentry on duty :wub:
dream250578 said:
I've tried to get a pic of every fish that I have.... firstly here’s my one of my two peppered Corys.
Cool pics!! The other day I downloaded 400-some pictures from my camera to the computer, and those were only from about two weeks! Photographing fishies is fun! :nod:

Is your pepper Cory as "metallic" as he looks in the picture, or is that just reflection(s)?

and my Albino ................. sorry about the state of the glass
What state is that? Clean? Clear? :p :lol: The glass looks quite clean and clear to me.

I like Red Wag Platys. I have one and my male hates her :/ Nice fishies and pictures. :nod:

aka Lizard
very cool pics, I think I am gonna get a cory this weekend

Do they clean the bottom of the tank?

Is it okay to get one of them and a sucker fish also?
ryansfish5g said:
very cool pics, I think I am gonna get a cory this weekend

Do they clean the bottom of the tank?

Is it okay to get one of them and a sucker fish also?
Get at least 3 cories, they like to be kept in groups :thumbs:

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