New Marine Tank!


Fish Crazy
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Essex, UK

No fish yet but we're getting there with the live rock...



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It looks very, very nice!! I like the sand being multicolored. Can't wait to see the fish! :D
lol oit misses thats my tank lol!!

thanks for posting it anyways lol love ya x x

there is about 10kg of live rock at the moment i plan on increasing that too about 20kg the base rock is kenyan ocean rock its great stuff with lots of swim throughs and will become live rock over time theres 50kg of that in there

the bed isnt multicoloured its all white it just has some algea growth on it at the mo, this tank is very new so that will go shortly :)

so far i want in it, a matched pair of clowns, couple of cleaner shrimp, bi-color blenny, 3 firefish, long spined sea urchin.

its still veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy new at the mo and still in the process of cycling but eventually it will be a flourishing reef like me old one was!

ill be adding a cleanup crew next weekend then just the waiting game

Ill keep you updated with posts as i go :)

and questions please feel free to ask :)
You will ahev to stock very sparsley initially as that Ocean Rock will take a while to become 'live' & help out with your Bio-filtration :good:

What size (gallons) is it - looks about 50g - 60g (UK)
its a Rio 400 so its 88UK gallons 105US gallons

it will be stocked very slowly my last marine tank was up an running for a year before i even got a fish lol

the rock will have plenty of time to establish itself :)

im gettin a serious lighting upgrade this week cant wait to get that in there :)
IMO you may want to increase your circulation/flow as it looks a bit low


Prizms Skimmer are notoriously rubbish & it will defo underskim a 88g tank
the skimmer may be upgraded in the future but at the mo its doing a job i used it on my last tank and although everybody else seems to have problems with them my tank was fine and flourishing and i never had trouble with it at all, if i start too see problems with it then it will be changed quicker :)

for flow i have a 2236 canister at 350+ lph
2 1200 maxijet powerheads 2400 lph total
2 600 maxijet powerheads 1200 lph total
1 400 maxijet powerhead 400 lph total

Total LPH - 4350+ which is 10x the volume :)

ill try and get some other pics on the site as those 2 dont really show it very well for flow and water agitation

again i may add more in the future but at the moment its acceptable
10x overall volume is generally concidered very low

If you are looking to populate the Ocean Rock from your LR I would advice double (at least) the flow rate, this will increase the reproduction rate of your bacteria (on the LR) & speed up the colonization of your ocean rock

Problems aside the Prizm Skimmer just dont do that great a job especially on larger tanks - there skimming rate has always been overated by there manufacturers
roger that thanks for your advice i may get something a bit larger for water movement in there, im sure i have an external eheim pump laying around somewhere with good flow rate i may well stick that in there and get things moving a bit better :D
:good: :good: :good:

Good luck

Keep us posted
can you recomend anything with a massive flow rate?

otherwise ill just end up with millions of powerheads and pumps and a large electricity bill lol

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