Finally Got A Few Pics Done


Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Finally got around to posting a few pics - I had this idea that I'd do a journal showing the development of the tank along with stats of a fishless cycle etc., but hey the real world gets in the way & I never seem to have the time.

So instead here are a few pics of my tank from when it was bought to when it was first stocked - which is about 7 or 8 weeks ago now.

So I bought a second hand Juwel Trigon 190 l (paid £150 it was 12 months old) - got the tank out of the old dear's house, but couldn't get the stand out - luckily I had some alan keys in the car and dismantled the base to bring it home.

This is the tank when first assembled in our living room.


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So after thoroughly cleaning the tank, in went the laterite and some larger gravel towards the back to help form a bit of a slope in the substrate

And finally with the sand on top.

I used a coarse sand / fine gravel at the back with argos play sand at the front.

Oh and the background is a black 3D Juwel structured backround


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And finally we leap forward some 3-4 weeks after the end of the fishless cycle, a bit of planting and placing of bogwood and stocking up


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Are they Julii cories I see there looking plump :drool: I love cories little cleaner uperers...(is that a word...Nope!)
To be honest Quo the LFS didn't know what sort of cory's they were - they just had them labelled as Cory's.

I wasn't sure if they were Julii or Trilineatus, but I suspect Trilineatus.

here's a close up:


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looks good, nice setup i like the cornet tanks gives depth and width-there a little different as well which is cool. nice closeup of the cory.
Thanks - this photo shows the Serpae Tetra and neons shoaling, and most of the cory gang just cruising.


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Stick them on (free and takes 2 seconds to "open an account) and just post the IMG link that's under the picture.
Think I've got it sorted now Bloo - thanks.

because I've edited the post above I'm afraid your post doesn't seem to make much sense to anyone reading this after the event - never mind eh :huh: :huh:

Anyway - another little pic showing the serpae's and neon tetras


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Well thats it for now.

The pics of the tank and fish were taken about 4 weeks ago, so the planting has improved a bit since then - the swords have got lots of new small leaves and the thai onion at the back is going for gold and its leaves now spread over the top of the tank.

The only one I'm doubtful of is the vallis (left) which seems to have a fair proportion of die off - but it does have new growth too. Just a bit of a nuisance as I keep having to fish out dead or dying leaves.

I've also got some amano shrimp in there now - added 9, but I never see more than 5 at one time so who knows how many are actually left.

Please leave comments if you feel like it.
Constructive criticism welcome.


You have really made this tank a work of art. I'll tell ya it looks very good. Your java fern is awesome. How long did it take for it to attache to that piece? How long did it take for it to grow to that size? Your neon's are great, your serpae's are even better they have such good color! Man...I wish I could get at least a good size peice of wood like that.!!! Looks ACE bro good job.

Thanks for that Nick.

the Java fern was pretty much that size when I bought it from one of my local LFS (pets@home), and I just attached it to the stone with some black thread - seems to have taken well.

the wood is mopani and is actually a bit of a cheat - its made up of 4 smaller pieces which I kind of fit together like a jigsaw - they lean on each other but are quite stable.

I think I was quite lucky with the serpae's - on the day I went to buy them they had a really nice bunch in - I've been back since and seen any that look quite as good. When they get a bit feisty with each other, then they flare their fins which looks great.
:drool: That is a gorgeous setup. Looks really great.

Your cories are Trilineatus. They are really nice specimens too, how many have you got? As for the Amano shrimp, they hide all the time. They will eventually calm down and come out a lot more when you feed. I'm sure they are all still there. If you find an outer shell from the shrimp, don't panic. They shed their exo's all the time.

Great pics, well done and thanks for sharing with us.


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