My Tank (newbie)


New Member
Sep 17, 2006
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Newport, S.Wales
Just thought seeing as i am new and alot of newbies post a picture of their setup, i would follow suit. Still not finished the tank, need more rocks!!!

I have no idea what most of my stock are to be honest lol. I know i got 4 Yellow labs, 3 Fairy Brichardi (sorry for not right names), 2 bumblebees, about 5 zebras and a synadontis. All in all i think i counted 27 alltogether which is definitely overstocked as the tank is only a Juwel Rio 240 with a Fluval 305 canister filter. I am going to my local shop on Saturday to take some back and get some order in there :nod:
Here is a picture of my favourite... don't know what he/she is though?

Here is the best picture i have of Syn, he always hides and is camera shy... not the best picture!!
I have to agree with everyone else, your tank does looks very nice. Also considering your a newbie it seems you have done a good job. Just remeber to keep up with testing your water stats. They have many products out there to keep your cichlids in great shape as you have seem to kept them.
your syn. Is also known as a feather fin catfish I believe, Something I'm considering VS an african brown knife.
synodontis eurupterous.aka featherfin catfish.a nice catfish
and the one fish is a redfin zebra.
many thanks for the ID. He/she has grown to such a beautiful fish and is always busy carrying gravel from one end of the tank to the other. Wish i could manage to breed them though!
hey, tank looks great :good: it will look much better when you get some more rock though :D .

we need more welsh people on here lol, im from cwmbran about 10 mins from newport, you probably know though. :)
That isnt totally overstocked for an African tank. With more fish the aggresion gets spread out more. As for breeding they will breed like rabbits, i know ours do. We always find juvies we didnt know existed!
Unfortunately some are hybrids but unless you are going to sell/give them to someone else there is no need to cull them despite peoples negative attitude to hybrids! :p
Ps: Nice tank!

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