My Betta Pics


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2006
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Alabama, USA (ohmigosherz)
Ok, well, I hope this works because this is my first time posting pics. It's also my first time taking pictures of my fish, so I'm pretty proud of myself :D I don't know how to re-size them, so sorry they're so big.

This is Krei (said cree, cause I randomly came up with it.). he's my first betta ever. I've had him about a year.


The very top of his tail, where it looks brown-ish, is just in the picture. It's not really like that.


This is Leila, my first female. I've had her about a month or so.



This is one of my new girls that I got today. She and another female are in a 20g divided with Krei (on other side of the divider) and Leila.



This is Rave, my only other male. He split his tale flaring but it's grown back except for the color :D In the picture, he's mad because I hadn't fed him yet.



This is Rei (said ray), my sister's CT. I take care of him because she won't, so that's why I'm posting pics of him. Also because he's a natural. Loves posing for the camera.



This is Rose, my sisters other betta. I think she's Rave's sister. We got them on the same day at the same LFS.


And lastly, the third girl I got today. She seems to have a swim bladder problem. She can't swim very well, but she's trying. Is swim bladder desease treatable? If there is anything I should do for her, please tell me. I'm going to give her my all and do everything I can to save her. I have her in a 1.5G by herself for now. Is swim bladder contagious?

Please excuse any cat hair in the pictures. One of my cats likes sitting by this tank.




And this is the 20g that I've divided. Krei and Leila haven't stopped flaring at each other so I might have to take him out.



And yes, I have blue gravel :p I AM 14 after all. I think it looks pretty good. You can't really put sand or a natural color gravel with bettas IMO. It just doesn't look right.

Okay, thanks for looking :p
Are you sure leilas a girl? Her fins look pretty long. One way to tell is to look in between her ventrals and if you see the ovipositor it looks like a white spot on her belly its a girl, if not you have yourself a male.
Heres a pic of a female and it shows the ovipositor.female_betta__ovipositor.jpg
She's female; she's got an ovipositor. Is it not normal for females' fins to be that long? I know the others I have aren't, but they're all a lot younger than she is.
Yea thats kind of unusual but its kind of the same with males. In the way that females can have longer fins than usual and males can have shorter fins. She's a very pretty female by the way.
Thank you :blush: When i got her I was rambling on to my mom about how I should take her home because she was very streesed and color-less. Any person who knew nothing about bettas would have thought she was just an ugly male. It took a while to convince my mom to let me get her, and I'm really glad I did :)
Amazing first pics. The focusing and depth of the second pictures of Krei and Rei are perfect! The fins on Leila are so pretty. All of them are great!

And just to let you know, my plakat boy started out in a female betta cup and it took him a couple of months until he showed me his true self.
Thanks :)

The only reason I wouldn't think Leila's a plakat is because the LFS I got her from only sells VTs, and only recently started selling females.

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