Endler Survivor


Fish Herder
Jun 13, 2006
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I feel quite bad about this, I had put a net over the inlet of the filter to stop fry getting in, but it was not small enough so I put a sponge over the inlet when I found a tiny endler in it, that was five or six weeks ago, I had emptied all the water into a bucket but the little guy I found today must have been stuck to the side or under the unused heating element. I just cleaned the sponge and the media and netted out any debris from the water left in the filter, today I was giving it a thorough clean and emptied it out, there was a male endler in there. He has been living in the filter for 5 or six weeks. It’s a thermo filter though the heating element doesn’t work anymore so there is a small space at the bottom under the media where he lived. I couldn’t believe it. I had given the all the endlers back after ‘fishsitting’ except a few fry. So I have three females, now with this amazing survivor. I don’t know what he could have lived on in there, it’s green plastic so some light got in. He isn’t even very under sized he is about the right length for his age only thin bodied and almost colourless though he is clearly male. Here is a not great pic of him with a female who may be his sister (he was no sooner released from his prison than he was courting) or from another batch born at the same time. I could hardly believe my eyes.

Oh my goodnes! I sure hope he makes it, poor little guy. It is amazing what these guys can go through!

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