Is My Guppie Pregnent? Need Help


New Member
May 13, 2006
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hi i hope the pictures upload on here but i can telli f my fishes are pregnent

u tell me what do u think?

i have 10 guppies so how do i tell male and females also if she is pregnent shall i put her in a breeding net or will she be ok in the tank with other guppies no other fishes apart from baby catfish or type just bought yesterday

please help some1


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Well, it's hard to tell since the pictures aren't very clear, but it is most likely that they are pregnant.

The male guppy has a pointed gonopodium (the fin below where the poop comes out :D) and the females have a rounded one.

Here is an example of a male:


And here's the female:


Here's a pic of one of my females about a week before she dropped her fry:


Hope that helps. :/
hi i hope the pictures upload on here but i can telli f my fishes are pregnent

u tell me what do u think?

i have 10 guppies so how do i tell male and females also if she is pregnent shall i put her in a breeding net or will she be ok in the tank with other guppies no other fishes apart from baby catfish or type just bought yesterday

please help some1

View attachment 37962
hi i hope the pictures upload on here but i can telli f my fishes are pregnent

u tell me what do u think?

i have 10 guppies so how do i tell male and females also if she is pregnent shall i put her in a breeding net or will she be ok in the tank with other guppies no other fishes apart from baby catfish or type just bought yesterday

please help some1
hi i hope the pictures upload on here but i can telli f my fishes are pregnent

u tell me what do u think?

i have 10 guppies so how do i tell male and females also if she is pregnent shall i put her in a breeding net or will she be ok in the tank with other guppies no other fishes apart from baby catfish or type just bought yesterday

please help some1

View attachment 37962
hi i hope the pictures upload on here but i can telli f my fishes are pregnent

u tell me what do u think?

i have 10 guppies so how do i tell male and females also if she is pregnent shall i put her in a breeding net or will she be ok in the tank with other guppies no other fishes apart from baby catfish or type just bought yesterday

please help some1
They look like platies to me... its soo blurry I cant even tell what type of fish they are lol... the first picture looks like a platy.
i pm'd guppy mommy and told her my exact views which are these arent guppies. I believe they are platys. Not Guppies. They are more expensive than guppies and almost as easy to breed so be happy :)

The top one looks a few days into pregnancy even though the pic quality is still bad. wait a week or so to re-take. Also take the pictures from further away or use the macro lens settings ;) You will get a better pic.
hi its me again in agust 25th i took them pics sorry in me saying there were guppies they areactually platies

its been over a month and still notthing am confussed in whats going on know

i have 4 males and 6 females in the tank
any help plz?

Possibly they had fry, but they got eaten?

Also, you may want to up your male to female ratio. You should ideally have 2-3 females per male. The reason why I am mentioning this, is sometimes the males can harass the females into aborting their fry, or holding on to them. That may be why you haven't seen any.
thanks mate

thats what i might have thought happned but she still looks lil big am trying to take pics but there no good quality pic ill try to borrow a friend cam and see what happens
also the ratio do you think its a good idea putting 2 mail in my other tank that has 2 gold fish,1 silver shark,1 rainbow shark , 1 angel fish and a big cat fish?
i had just had some babies in my tank about 6 hrs ago i missed who gave the birth and i picked out 21 frys wondering can platies give out 21 frys or has more then 1 mother gave birth plz help
ive been waiting 7 monts for my frys am exited first time for me. and i have put them all in breeding trap net so nay advice will be usefull
well one platy can easily have 21 fry they can have up to a hundred i believe.
You might want to get a separate tank for the fry because yuo have quite a few maybe a five gallon with a sponge filter and it needs to be 50 percent the water they were born in.
Hope this helps :D .

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