New To Planting...

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Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2006
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Hello. Im not new to fish keeping but i am new to planting. I have a 36 long by 15 wide by 20 inch tall tank...I have 1 anubias planted driftood, 1 large half-hollow long driftwood and a small driftwood... I also placed a plant in the background (not sure what it is though, but il try to find out....) I am thinking of planting another anubias on the smaller driftwood and adding a couple more background and foreground plants...
Below are some of the picks ive taken of my tank...(if the picks are not here, it might be in my earliest post under the same heading)...its not densley planted yet so any ideas welcome on the positioning of the plants and the driftwood i already have in there.... as well as any ideas on what plants to add to make a good planted aquarium. Thankyou in advance.

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Mate, i would start by reading all the stickys at the top of the forum. You need to think about lighting, how you are going to fertilise, if you want to add CO2, if you want it hi-tech, low -tec ...etc.

I could suggest a whole bunch of plants that look great, but without knowing what equipment you are planning on using then its hard to help.

If you want to stick to the equipment you have, you are limited to an extent.
You need to be looking at slow, low light growers, try java moss, java fern, amazon sword .... do a search on begginer plants. There are loads of topics.

Good Luck

honestly... if you are new to planted tanks my suggestion is stick with a low tech set up and grow out some low light plants are don't require too much attention. Get something under your belt before moving to the next step. When i started to get into planted aquariums i started to read all the requirements and found out that there is A LOT to a planted tank. You need quite a bit of equipment and knowledge, plus it takes a lot of work. After finding all that out I definatley decided to stick with my low tech for now until a later date. So like i said maybe get some experience first, but hey if your determined then start reading lots!

goodluck :good:
blah!! Get a cheap T5 ebay light unit, a pub Co2 cylinder will welders regulator, some dry cheap chem ferts, a cheapish nutrient rich substrate and get planting!!!

.........................then 6 months later, you`ll realise that all your equipment serves perfect function, but for some strange reason, feel a dieing urge to replace it all with hundreds of pounds worth of ADA equipment!! ;) :)

The joys.....enter my world.

wish I had money like you cray.

currently my bank account stands at -5.32$ :lol:

I am hoping once xmas comes around my parents will buy me something nice for my tank. some ada or something

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