What Is This Stuff


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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I keep gettin outbursts of algae within a couple of days of cleaning it off. I perform water changes (RO) every 3 weeks and cut the lighting down to 9 hours. I just cant get rid of it. IMG_0936.JPG
Gonna need more info on the tank such as size, lighting, do you use CO2, what plants do you have, what fish do you have, what are the tank stats? The more info you can provide the more likely we are going to be able to help you out :)

its 70 litre aquarium systems mirabello tropical tank with -
5 corys
2 frshwater dwarf prawns
1 fairly big 3 spot gourami
2 zebra danios
2 leopard danios
2 cherry barbs
1 neon tetra
1 white cloud mountain minnow

no co2, it has visi lux sun lighting

i have one large java moss growing on some bogwood (sprouting off a lot all of a sudden) and a large amazon java i think.

i have a external installed as well (been running for 2 weeks now)
looks like Blue green 'algae'. its actually a bacteria...

What are you adding to your RO for your water changes?
aquarium pharmaceuticals electroright and ph adjuster

i had blue green bacteria algae before (cyno something) and it just kept covering my gravel untill i added algaecide. this stuff is different as it leaves hard bits stuck on the glass, but it does group together and cover the plants / decor the same.
wpg - well its a 36w strip and i have 70 litres of water :S
whats diatoms?

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