Lump On Paradise Fish's Head


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2006
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I just noticed a lump topped with a with "pimple" on my male Paradise fish's head. If were to look at his head from the side, it would be inbetween his eye and his mouth. It's a large lump with a small white "pimple". He's been eating normally and acting normally. What could this be?

EDIT: Here's a quick sketch of the lump on his head. I don't have a camera that could have gotten a good pic.


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Any red on the bump sounds like a columnaris spot, is it a mucky white colour.
i've isolated him. i was able to look at him a little closer, and it can just barely make out a few white specks of fuzziness on the lump. i put him in a bare-bottom bowl for now--i don't have any other tanks to put him in.

I am going to check to see what meds i have on-hand and looking at the second link.
Sounds like columnaris i'm afraid, you will need alot of aeration with the meds, good luck.
alright, i just put in an airstone on the highest setting.

here are the meds that i have on-hand:
Maracyn II
(I'm out of Maracyn I)

Should I treat with the Tetracycline?
Yes go in with the tetracycline it the better med anyway, as you would need maracyn one and two, good luck.
Alright, now I am presented with a new problem. I just realized that the tetracycline is expired. Apparently, the store sold expired meds: June 2005 is the expiration date. Glad I saw that! I just bought the med a few weeks ago!

Is there anything I can treat the fish with before I can get to the store? I am also sick, and the store is across town. So, I can't just hop into the vehicle.
Use the tetracycline it should be ok, while you can get some new tabs.
Or if you don't want to do that go in with the maracyn you have and buy the other one you don't have.

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