Betta Artwork

Well, im only 13 years old, don't do to well in art. But i love bettas so i thought i do some dawings. What do people think of my drawings?

ty ezrock :)

going to try my hand at some stuff fully armed with a pencil sharpener tomoz! (something i didnt have this morning)
some really good pics there, really impressed.

i used to do art A level, got a C cos i was lazy :( , i was fairly good at using bright colours but ive never tried drawing fish. i will have to have ago.
Well, im only 13 years old, don't do to well in art. But i love bettas so i thought i do some dawings. What do people think of my drawings?

Yea I'm 13 also and I think they're good, i couldnt draw anything that well. I'm sticking to stick figures and lollipop trees :lol:
Reposted from the other thread:


Merbettas! I don't like the guy's face :X
Synirr i loovvveee those merbettas! fantastic! :wub:

And i lurrve wispys, always so colourful.

heres something i doodled today. also added more colour to the first pic as loads of people asked what colours it was :p


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my dinky addition :p :
(sorry for the bad pic quality)


and then here's a pic of a ctenopoma for good measure:
I like everyones creations but Fish fetish, in your sig you put that you keep a male and a female betta together in the same tank, I hope its divided...
I like everyones creations but Fish fetish, in your sig you put that you keep a male and a female betta together in the same tank, I hope its divided...

yes, it was divided. i'm not quite that stupid. anyhow, it was just temporary, and now they each have their own tanks and are swimming happily. but rest assured that i'm not one of those people that puts a male and female together thinking they'll be ok. :rolleyes:
Haha, ok fish fetish. Just making sure. I was in barnes and noble earlier this week and was looking through the fish books and got to the betta splendens chapter and it had that 1 male should be kept with 1 female in a heavily planted tank of 1 gallon or more, it made me cringe :crazy:

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