Is This Female Pregnant?


New Member
Jul 3, 2006
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My husband isn't sure this female is pregnant. I think she is. She doesn't like the holding tank, but she has a very black spot, isn't eating much, and very fat. My husband doesn't like having her in the holding tank, but I think it will be a matter of time before the fish gives birth. Please look at the picture, and let me know if you think this fish is pregnant. Should we keep her in the holding tank even if she's not very active? I told him she's just acting like any other pregnant person: not eating much, not active, etc...


  • guppy.jpg
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Yes, she's very developed and i would say she'll give birth in 1-3 days(can't be sure by the picture) but the trap will stress her abit and may cause her to put it off or abort pregnancy. I always let the female give birth in the tank with PLENTY of surface/floating plants for the fry to run into. Then catch your fry with a turkey baster. Alot less stress that way. I have pregnant guppy pics if you need to see.
Yea show us your pregnant guppy pics laura i wouldn't mind seeing them for my own refrance please.

Nice idea on the Turkey Baster i'm about to use that in the Newbie section for a new member thank you.
Well, our fish had her babies today. I'd say we have well over 60 fry! It's unbelievable what that little fish was hiding inside!

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