Not Eating?


New Member
May 28, 2006
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My Betta hasn't eaten since I bought him 2 days ago. Could he still be settling in? So far I've tried, frozen blood worms, flake food, freezedried brine shrimp and I've chucked a couple of algea wafers in (for the bristlenose in there), he's not touched any of it.
He's swimming about quite happily in his 15 Gal tank, so apart from him maybe being still a bit skittish i'm a bit stumped- any ideas?
Lots of bettas refuse food when you bring them home, for various amounts of time. Just keep offering him food once a day, walk out of the room for a while (some bettas just don't like you watching them), and when you come back, if he didn't eat, just siphon it out so it doesn't rot in there. He might hold out for a while, but bettas can live for weeks without food so don't worry. One of mine didn't eat for a month after I got him. He'll eat when he's hungry. :)
we talked about it on chat, so you know my answer :p heres the picie of my late betta for you..


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Thanks lisie and Maddie, been helpful
Maddie thats my betta! That's exactly what mine looks like- how spooky is that?
thanks Bret, nice to know, no doubt I'll be asking another idiotic question very soon, so stand by!

Hopefully I'm probably stressing over nothing. It's just that he's the 1st betta i've had and I can't help but worry over the slightest thing.

Fish relaxing??? Pah!
maybe they were brothers, scary hehe. sadly he past away though :(

im hoping to sweet talk my bf into buying me the most beautiful CT ive seen in a long while, wish me luck :p
don't worry if he hasn't eaten in a bit as they often won't. just keep offering and when he gets used to his environment, and you, he'll take it. Also, don't worry that he'll starve. A healthy betta won't, they'll eat when they're hungry. In fact, as i've found, it's hard even to starve a sick betta as I have a boy who hasn't accepted food in two months just start eating again two nights ago.

As long as he's active, don't worry about him eating. sometimes it takes them a while to relax. Just keep an eye out for him and make sure he doesn't turn sluggish or start losing color. I'm sure he's fine, though :good:

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