My New Sump


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2006
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here is a pic of my new sump :D whadda ye think?

the sump is a 18uk gal tank gonna add some form of algae in there to suck up the nitrates a little, any ideas on what kind?

tanks DG


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not at the mo, that was taken with my webcam and its very poor, will try and borrow a decent digi cam off my m8 and give u all some clear pics of my tanks :D
ordered some spag algae from ebay,only a single £ so cant beat it cheap as chips and twice as filling!

so my pod population should thrive in my sump now right? so i may add a manderin at some point :)

tanks DG
kool,i think i will have spag algae and feather caulerpa in because i like the look of the feather one. was gonna get some on friday but my the time i finished work it was all gone :(

was thinking of adding another fish to my tank now i got my sump up and going. i have a blue neon goby, indian firefish and a black and white clown in there any suggestions on anything to add? at work we have a blue damsel thats a bossy lil get and attacks me when ever i put my hand in his tank (that i love) was thinking of him but i am not too sure of him with my clonfish :S any ideas?

tanks DG
I wouldn't bother with a damsel to be honest.

How mature is your tank? I would be thinking about maybe a scooter dragonet or maybe a bi-colour blenny or something, or a gramma or dottyback perhaps? If you are feeling adventurous you could try a pipefish like the blue-banded pipefish I have which only gets to about 3" and from my experience is very easy to keep and feed.

i am thinking of a goby and a pistol shrimp combo, humm pipe fish sound kool in the tank :D tanks been up and running around 5 monthish.

tanks DG
wait oh how much did your sump cost.?

wait oh how much did your sump cost.?

its cost about £12 for the 20gal tank
£19.99 for the 1700 pump
internal plastic i already had
£5.98 for the 200w heater
about £20 for about 4kg of live rock
miricale mud cost about £20 (tho it aint payed for yet so i it will prob be about £15ish)

so in total it cost me £77.97 REAL CHEAP :D for a20 gal refugium/sump full of MM and LR. got a wee bit of cheato in there but getting some feather caulerpa next week.


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