Betta Rescue Pictures Wanted And Bad Betta Tank Pics


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2005
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it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission
Hi all i am putting together an advert against betta cruelty, what i need from you guy is help getting pictures of badly treated bettas (no don't go a beat them up :crazy: ) i mean pictures of rescues that you have made in bad condition. I also need pictures of so called tanks suitable for bettas ie vases, breeding traps etc. Pictures of suitable tanks and healthy bettas too please. The finished product will be posted on here as soon as it is finished as a quick way of showing newbies what not to do.
Any questions please contact me through pm's
Here's a couple of pics of my rescue Quazi, 1st is not so good but the 2nd pic is of him after a couple of wks of me getting him! I rescued him from a tank with swordtails in an LFS his fins were no larger than 5mm

about a wk after I got him (sorry about size I'm unable to adjust this for some reason)

Just two wks ago
Here are some pics someone with a "betta community tank" posted on this forum a while back, I saved them incase I ever had to explain why it wouldn't work out. Can't remember the user's name or I'd give credit; anyone?


I remember that thread (poor fish) but not the idiots name. I believe it was his first, last, and only post.
Once I get on my laptop, I'll post pics of Clarence after rescue; I have shots of him still in the cup half dead, and then pics from 2 days later.
I think I also have a kinda blurry pic of a dead betta in a cup.
Here's Googie in his 2.5 gallon tank. His prior domicile was in a Snapple bottle in Chinatown. The tank is a bit minimalist, but I wanted to give him a lot of "running room". He LOVES the java fern and sulked when I removed it for cleaning.


Here's my boy Finn after I rescued him from a tank in the LFS where the other fish nipped off his fins. He's alot better now and happier too.
Synirr I didn't see that post about the "community tank" but that really takes the prize for overall human stupidity.
Sure, I'll stick them all in a photobucket gallery for you.

1. Posed photo by some idiot before they got the boot on here
2. The stupid 'in tank betta housing, as made by some seller on Aquabid
3. Found this on a DIY page, somebody decided it would be great to make this tank
4 Uh, yeah
Then theres these sort of thing

This is um, interesting
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Here are some pics someone with a "betta community tank" posted on this forum a while back, I saved them incase I ever had to explain why it wouldn't work out. Can't remember the user's name or I'd give credit; anyone?

I believe, if I'm not mistaken, the individual went by the name Mr. Shums. I remember, a very long, and very nasty thread about betta communities. A very ugly tank.

Here is the thread, it was mercifully closed after much yuckiness. :sick:

It was buried under 16 pages of threads or so, but I did a search and I sort of remembered the date, right when I first arrived at TFF.

llj :)
Oy, that Mr Shums was some kinda sicko baiting everybody and then he has that tank of ripped up betta as the final blow to the thread---sitting back watching all the chaos he's created from his cruelty. Imagine, there are people that sadistic in this world....but come to think of it...I think he might have been a doctor of mine years ago. :D
my betta is 2 weeks old and recovering from whitespot. i am quite new to this hobby and have made some mistakes already but i am doing my best to learn as much as i can. i tried to research as much as i could before buying fish, but you can never learn enough. i am in the process of setting up a 60L main tank at the moment, which will be a community tank. in my current tank with my betta i have found through trial and error [not a good way i know] that my black neons were not very suitable with my betta. the regular neons however, have been fine, and generally both parties keep out of the way of each other due to their preferred dwelling spots. to be honest i may just move the neons into the main tank when its cycled and set up anyways, but that isnt much of an option at the moment, and while recovering from whitespot today they seem a lot happier and their colour has returned.

sorry for the blurb, but here is my betta, named Tony by the mrs.


he is meant to be blue rather than green but i think that is the current treatment along with my camera.

please comment if you think he looks unhappy, he has been a bit reculsive the last few days but today he seems better :)
PMSL!!! my bad! i didnt look at the dates, but it came up on my search - still getting used to the way the forum controls work here etc... i know theyre not that different from others but i've been stuck on the mercedes club forum and the grey bike/yamaha rd forum for ages!

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