Thornlike Growth


New Member
Apr 8, 2006
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I feel like I am always on this forum asking about a new treatment for my Nemo. Veil tail betta who has been dealing with "something" for better part of two months now. He seems otherwise healthy except for a white spot that remained after what I thought was a bout of fungus. Well, he developed fin and tail rot, so this week, per everyone's advice, I began him on tetracycline. OK, seems to be doing better. Tonight I looked and him and the white spot now looks like a white thorn sticking out. PARASITE???? Geez, I've treated this fish for everything under the sun. He seems happy and has been bubblenesting like crazy. My husband thinks I am crazy, but he hasn't died yet and I've had him since December. (the fish, not my husband- hehehe) So what do you think it is. I took a picture. Not sure how clear it will come through.

Help!! nemo__s_thorn.jpg

Sorry it came out so big :S
Sorry I can't really see what you are trying to show as the photo is quite blurred, can you get a better shot :(

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