I should note that I am letting the corraline algae grow on the back glass on purpose. My hope is that the entire back glass will soon be a solid purple. Methinks that would be cool. If it turns out not so cool, I'll have to sharpen that putty knife!!!
My next step will be to disconnect that Filstar Cannister filter ... I don't really see a need for it. I may hook up a Mag 5 or something in its place, unless I can muster up the pennies for a Tunze Stream experiment. We'll see. With the filter in place I have cold feet about disconnecting it.
It's the f/w in me ... can't see how not to have mechanical filtration. I only removed the carbon like 3 weeks ago! But I am decreasingly seeing any logic to having it hooked up.
Some day I'll post pics of the lighting, sump, etc.