I have alreaddy posted a pic of this fish belonging to a friend......I only have the pic to go on as the friend lives too far away for me to see the fish........I thought Dropsy when I saw the first picture and Sheba agreed........But the fish only seems to be affected near its tail fin...the eyes look OK......
My friend needs advise....it is a pond fish......ideas anyone?
Hi goldie,
could be aeromonas infection which can result in lifting of the scales which in turn may be an indication of dropsy. Symptoms of aeromonas include excess mucus and areas of reddening on body. This ultimately results in lifting of the scales which in turn can turn into ulcers. Dropsy then can develop.
Has your friend checked her water recently? Does she have a bottom drain on her pond or clean it?
Can she isolate this fish? Hope she manages to get it sorted.