How Does Your Betta Sleep?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2005
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This is Lady Peaches sleeping.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she cambodian?
Mine sleep like yours!
Sometimes on top of he filter though

Mine sleep like yours!
Sometimes on top of he filter though
mine mostly sleep on top of highest point in tanks. off topic they all had peas last night they absolutely loved them! :lol: is there anything else we eat they would like? I dont mind sharing apart from chocolate!
I put a shell in my male's tank, and he's been sleeping in it all curled up. It's cute. :wub:
I put a shell in my male's tank, and he's been sleeping in it all curled up. It's cute. :wub:
Is it a real sea shell?!?!?!

If it's a real shell, that's dangerous. Sea shells can drastically change the water chemistry and raise the pH. I've read stories about bettas dying the day after a shells have been added to their tank.
Cobolt and Gabriel sleep at the back of their tanks near the top! Natsuko sleeps near the thermometer in his tank up at the surface! Sen one of my girls now sleeps in a cave and my other three girls just sleep wherever they feel like but Zen and Chihiro cuddle up to each other most nights on the side near Natsuko! (I think they both fancy him)
:lol: @ Cracker. Close their eyes??? Yours have eyelids now do they? :lol:
My girls all sleep tucked up together in a floating mess of plantlife near the heater, my end of the tank (The end next to my bed). The boys either sleep in floating plants, on top of their filters, under an IAL if they have one in the tank or on the substrate. None sleep curled up.
I have Zuni Warrior in a 3 usg underground filtered tank. There's not enough substrate to cover the plate, so the air lifts the plate. Zuni goes under the plate to sleep. :lol:
Mortimer before he did used to sleep under his shell. every night. here is a photo :( i miss him

My other two bettas, heidi sleep next to her filter, and bobbie sleeps behind his plants


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Kogen sleeps on a large leaf near the surface, away from the current. Its like a big betta hammock :D

Mine either sleep on the bottom of the tank, or at the top of the tank, and then my half giant female sleeps inside a plastic hut.

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