New Crowntail Male


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2005
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I think I'll breed him with my veiltail. What would the babies be? 75% VT and 25% CT?
The two. Fishies_006.jpg
New CT.Fishies_012.jpg
Yeah, I know, the pictures are pretty low quality. All I have is a web cam.
No, I'm saying that's what the babies will be. Your betta is a crown tail. That's the result when you breed the two togehter. :)
Your black crowntail guy is gorgeous.

...hmmm, first time I've heard of a combtail, sort-of like a fringed VT... neat. B)
So half of the offspring would be VT and the other half would be CT? Or they would all be half VT half CT? :unsure:

Your black crowntail guy is gorgeous.

...hmmm, first time I've heard of a combtail, sort-of like a fringed VT... neat. B)
Actually, he's blueish-purpleish with some barely noticeable white tips. The webcam just blows. When I took pictures of my turtle, it was quite clear since turtles don't move, but he's fiesty so I naturally have trouble getting a decent shot, which I still haven't gotten. :grr:
They had some CT bettas at my PetCo when I went, too. Unfortunately, I have no room left... there was one that absolutely GORGEOUS! He was so dark blue that he was almost black.
Yes, correct, all Veils, with some degree of combing (combs are not only short, but also thin more like a soft fringe). They are very very common over here! Pretty fish! :alien:
Hey Synirr!

I think that VT combtail is pretty neat looking actually! thanks for sharing the pic.


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