Got My Hms Today!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Hubby brought home my HM pair tonight. They're so pretty! And the guy I bought them from threw in a "St. Patty's gift"...a male doubletail! I'll try to get some good pics tomorrow to post. :)
I bought one and it came from thailand, they are beautiful bettas. He is whitish gold with soft green on his fins, just beautiful. He is a Gold HM. Cost me alot but I think it was worth it, never seen any type of HM like him here anywhere.
Ok, still haven't gotten any good flare/spread pics that I'm happy with. But this one pic of the male hm is still kinda cute.....the way he's lookin at me. LOL!

that is a very nice fish i think its similar to siamese fighters in a wierd sort of way
Wow, thanks for the compliments! He is quite handsome. hehehe I can't wait to get some pictures of him in full flare to post. :)
that is a very nice fish i think its similar to siamese fighters in a wierd sort of way

It is a Siamese Fighter. ;) They're called bettas by most people here.

It's a different tail type to the ones you usually see in pet stores, which are veiltails (VTs). This is a halfmoon (HM) which means it's tail makes a 180 degree angle.

He's lovely Andrea, can't wait for more pics!
Finally got a good pic of my male halfmoon. :-
Still having a really hard time getting one of the female tho, she's so white that I can't get anything but glare. LOL! And without the flash, the dark light makes her look orange. LOL Maybe I'll try again tonight, or during the day tomorrow. :S


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