Home Made Funny Pish Pics!

I was going to do more to this pic, but thought it looked funny as it is..hahaha


Hey I wish I could have a Gold Nugget Betta! :) You breeders get workin! lol
OA, I want a Giant Flower Albino Betuppy! :hyper:

Here's Jaques, my french shrimp:


And my tiger oscar:

I'm known there as 'NobbyNobody' but beware, b3ta is full of purile humour and very rude jokes. It's not for the easily offended!

Aint that the truth...... good point to make..

NOTHING is taboo on b3ta.com

Good pics people.. keep 'em coming ;)
I want in! I just did this at work with paint.

This is me... if I were a white angel.
(I wish my hair had all thos nice highlights!)

I don't have photos of my shrimps and oto... Thought I'd make an entirely new pet instead.

Presenting...The Ultimate Pet!!!


Part apple snail, part fish, part turtle!

(yeah, I have wayyyy too much time on my hands... :lol: )

:hyper: If you could breed those you'd be a millionaire. What would you feed them?

Thats great.. is that one of yours? That proves to me your a regular on b3ta.. its very b3ta'esq....

all it needed was a hidden quo and you'd be there.. woo and yay as they say..

Hopefully somebody will get this one.. (liverpool is the clue)


I'm known there as 'NobbyNobody' but beware, b3ta is full of purile humour and very rude jokes. It's not for the easily offended!

BTW.. you would have to say that.. especially if they saw the newborns picture. eww. made me cringe.

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