10 Gallon Divided Tank Setup Questions

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Feb 27, 2006
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I'm shortly going to start to put together a 10 gallon divided tank for my bettas and have a few questions about the setup...

1. I'm planning on just using designed tank dividers from the pet store (having considered the plexi-glass route but am unsure of what kind of adhesive would be safe to use or how difficult they are to make)
2. My most important question is filter type. I've heard power filters are OK in tanks 3+ gallons, but it still seems that it would create to much surface disturbance. I've heard about using a sponge filter. I was wondering if this would be powerful enough and also if anyone had any suggestions on make/model since i've never used one before.
3. Also, I plan to do fishless cycling of course (i've read the forum on this topic) and was wondering how a product like Stress Zyme fit into this procedure. Can it be used in place of pure ammonia, or is it to be used in conjunction with it. How often should i test during the process?
4. Lastly how much stress is gonna be put on the fish. They will be moving from bowls that are replaced with clean water once a week to a tank with an established bacteria/nitrate system. I only want to make the transition if they'll be safe.

If any one has run a set up like this, or has heard of one, any pictures, ideas, comments would be appreciated. Thanks.
I can only answer two of your questions, sorry.
2) My most important question is filter type. I've heard power filters are OK in tanks 3+ gallons, but it still seems that it would create to much surface disturbance. I've heard about using a sponge filter. I was wondering if this would be powerful enough and also if anyone had any suggestions on make/model since i've never used one before.
I think you should get a filter that hangs out the tank, which is like a waterfall and place a trough in it to lower the current and spread the water into all three sections. The make I recommend is AquaOne.
4. Lastly how much stress is gonna be put on the fish. They will be moving from bowls that are replaced with clean water once a week to a tank with an established bacteria/nitrate system. I only want to make the transition if they'll be safe.
Your fish should be fine aslong as you have your tank at a decent temperature, and plenty of plants for your fish to rest on and hide between.

Sorry if this information hasn't helped you, they are only suggestions! :p
I appreciate your suggestions... I'm fairly new at keeping bettas (had mine only about 7 months) and want to make sure I make the change to the new tank without any unfortunate problems :crazy:
I just setup my 10 gallon divided tank today.. here's what it looks like


I only have one betta in there so far (he's up on the top!).. and I just got that filter today. It's a Whisper Power Filter. I don't think I like it cause the water flow is pretty high. My betta is on the opposite side so he doesn't seem to mind it though..

I wouldn't suggest that filter.. You should get one with an adjustable water flow.
1. I'm planning on just using designed tank dividers from the pet store (having considered the plexi-glass route but am unsure of what kind of adhesive would be safe to use or how difficult they are to make)

Well some folks just use the gravel, report binders, and canvus for their dividers. . . and it works! :D
As for my 10gal divided - I used the above but added some aquarium sealant to be extra safe. But I did have to wait a week for it to fully bind - because if you seal it (glue it) then add water - it's pretty much useless. :S

2. My most important question is filter type. I've heard power filters are OK in tanks 3+ gallons, but it still seems that it would create to much surface disturbance. I've heard about using a sponge filter. I was wondering if this would be powerful enough and also if anyone had any suggestions on make/model since i've never used one before.

For this I use 3 nano filters. They're adjustable and really small and can fit into each compartment. The cheapest place I found them are thatfishplace.com (net - can't remember)

3. Also, I plan to do fishless cycling of course (i've read the forum on this topic) and was wondering how a product like Stress Zyme fit into this procedure. Can it be used in place of pure ammonia, or is it to be used in conjunction with it. How often should i test during the process?

Hmm. . .good question - no answer. I think test should be don't weekly and I've done cycles w/ fish. . . so that's must be answered by a smarter person than me :look:

4. Lastly how much stress is gonna be put on the fish. They will be moving from bowls that are replaced with clean water once a week to a tank with an established bacteria/nitrate system. I only want to make the transition if they'll be safe.

From my own experience it takes them a couple hours to adjust - I think it's better though, they have more simpulation than a mirror or just swimming in a bowl all day. . .but that's just my opinion.

Hope that helps. . . .or completely confuses you - one or the other will do :p
Andreeuh, I like the pic of your set up. How long did you let your tank run before adding your betta?
I just added a water conditioner (aquasafe). It says it works in seconds so yea.. Apparently it does cause my betta is still alive! :D
:lol: haha!

I think I did the same thing!! But I put bio-spira in there w/ it!

I think what Ace was asking dealt w/ cycling. . . but I could be totally wrong! :rolleyes:
Yea I was reffering to using some sort of cycle booster like bio-spira, or stress zyme, or "cycle" (not sure if those are as effective). Just wanted to know if the betta was fine being put in there right awya, apparently so lol. I do plan to at least put in one of those cycle booster (or whatever you call them) just to be on the safe side. It would be pretty useless for me to do a regular cycle with amonia because I have to transport my bettas every 3-4 months going back and forth from school (thus having to break down their tank) I was just curious because if they can't survive a quick adjustment to a tank I will probably just have to keep them in there bowls.

Sukie where did you get your bio-spira from? I've never seen it in a pet store (maybe b/c it has to be refrigerated) It does seem, simply based on what I read, that it probably works the best out of all those similar products.
Yeh got it fr the lfs - I think you can get it online. . . but I would call around to the lfs first - because you're right bio-spira needs to be refigerated and that could cost some $$$ in shipping. :D
finally found some bio-spira at a lfs, now i'm struggling to find a store with fungus eliminator to treat one of my bettas.. geez
I have the Duetto 50 filter in my tank... it's wonderful! It's submersible, so the flow is a couple inches under the water, therefore much lighter. The flow is also adjustable. It's a great filter for betta tanks, IMHO.
I have the Duetto 50 filter in my tank... it's wonderful! It's submersible, so the flow is a couple inches under the water, therefore much lighter. The flow is also adjustable. It's a great filter for betta tanks, IMHO.

I had a 10g divided tank for three large CTs. I used standard pet store dividers, and one filter in the center. It was an aquaclear designed for 10g aquariums and it had adjustable water flow. The tank was heavily planted. For some reason, though my CTs never really minded the current.

Here is a picture. The tank is no longer used as a divided betta tank. It's still planted but it now houses a pair of sparkling gouramis that are breeding. The bettas are still kicking, but they now live in large bowls.

Good luck! I'm planning to divide my 10g 4-ways to keep my 2 breeding pairs. I have to decided not to go the cycling route - I'd rather just do big WC's. ;)

I have a Whisper Internal Filter in my grow-out, and it works VERY well! I use a current killer on it (read the FAQ's) and there is so little current that even my juvie girls swim right under it.. and this one is for 30 gallons, not 10. So I'd imagine the 10 would have even less current.

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