Nano Reef Aquapod 24 Gal

I recieved some cool LR from a bid I won on Ebay, This company called Aquariumworks was the Seller. The Mini Top-Notch Premium Kaileni Flat/Ledge Live Rock are really nice. Right now I've added them into the tank temporarily, I then start building my Atoll, after I get the 25 lbs. of Carib live rock. Finally the LR shipped this past Monday, hopefully I get them this Friday.
Here are some Water parameters I took today.
Temp 79* degrees
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ph 8.3
dkh 9
Calcium 500 ppm
Specif. Gravity 1.025
phosphate .05
I also added a Powersweep 214, to add more currents on the opposite side of my main return line.


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If the live rock shipped on Monday, is it normal to take until Friday to receive? Seems that is a little long to ship something "live". I was under the impression that live rock was two to three days max? BTW....I too am trying to start a 24G nano cube and my cube (ordered over the internet) arrived Monday......with a crack from top to bottom down the left seam of the glass. Bummer!!! :(
Make sure you are getting a 2006 model JaynToni..and welcome aboard.The LR is usually shipped in moist paper. You WILL get some slight dieoff, but, my LR cycled in only 4 days...FAST.

If you decide that money is not an option, you can look at Tampa Bay Aquacultured LR. I believe they ship theirs in water, but, you'll PAY for it. SH
Thanks for the info SH. Yes, the tank that I ordered is the 2006 version. Not sure if it was UPS mishandling or was cracked before it left the shipper but is under insurance claim with UPS right now and shipper has been cooperative so will be sending another cube.

I plan to post my progress as I go just as you did. BTW...I read each and every page of your nano setup and all I can say is AWESOME THREAD!!! Very well written and extremely informative.

Now, I am patiently waiting Akillez updates!!!

Thanks again for the info!
Finally, :) The live rock shipment arrived. 25 lbs. of Caribbean premium LR from International Marine fish. It took 4 days to get here, lots of life on the rocks. One of the bigger rocks, I decided not to use, just a little to big for the tank. I went ahead and added the rocks. Pics are below, looking for some feedback on the appearance, like it?

Heres the tank pics, Front, right and left. Again I'd like to get some feedback on the formation of the rocks.


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Hitchhikers I found so far on the new LR. Pencil Urchin, it looks pretty small about 3 in. altogther from spine to spine. If you look very closely on the Urchin there is a amphipod on him, pretty cool. Live rock carrying many types of Algae plants.
Pencil Urchin w/ Amphipod
LR w/ assortment of algae
A pencil urchin is a unique hitchhiker to get. Amazing how life survives. That big rock you can break it up with a hammer to maximize your filtration. That stuff is gold and you should use as much as you can. SH
I went ahead and did a swap, with a LFS. They gave me store credit, since I really didnt want to add anymore livestock at this point. That was pretty cool of them to do that, since I did'nt purchase the LR from them. I guess the LR is like gold.
Thanks, it took about 3 hours to get it, to where it looks right now. I think I made 10 different formations, before settling on this look. I call it "the underwater Mesa". :lol:
That is a very unusual setup. I'm impressed. It looks almost like a man made formation, very cool. It doesn't have that lump of rock look to it. Keep us posted on anymore critters you find in you LR. :)
Quick update, water parameters - ph 8.2, ammonia - 0 ppm, nitrites - .50 ppm, nitrates - 20 ppm, calcium 500, specific gravity - 1.025, dkh - 10, temp - 78.9 degrees. It seems that the tank is probably on its last portion of the cycling, hopefully next week I'll be able to add in some coral(s) and 1 fish. Nitrates really spiked this week. I have added 1 tiny coral from a package deal, I'm hoping it isn't to early. I ordered from a company called
Indo-Pacific Sea Farm. A must I believe, especially if you're going to start up a tank. I paid 99.95, which included free fedex shipping, on a mix and match special. My package included: Amphipod Breeding Kit, Live sand activator, Empty hermit shells, 6 mini reef brittle stars, Anthelia Polyp, Reef Amphipod and Coral Heaven (supplemental food). Heres a pic of the Anthelia, is there a scientific name or a specific name for this coral.


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