My Tank - Looking Bland


Fish Crazy
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Portsmouth UK
What should i do?
More plants?
New background?
New gravel?

Any ideas - its okay.....just not great.


And i no longer have the internal filter you see - i have now got a cannister. Where is the best place to put the output / input?
I have an undergravel tray - should it come out? it was connected to the juwel standard H

1)Taller plants for back - the space at the top is looking bare...
2)Floating riccia - just to break things up a bit
3) Backgroung - Possibly Juwel Rock or a 3D one - not sure - opinions please..
4)different gravel - what colour?


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some taller plants for the back maybe :S that will look good but it looks good any way good job :thumbs:
first off, not bland. but then we're all striving for perfection aren't we?

second-suggestions....a few big plants- a big echindorus that'll over hang some of the other plants maybe?

java moss carpet! or something along those lines would set off the colours in your tank.
you have a couple non aquatic plants in there, the big one on the left and the big white and green one on the right, they will eventually rot
I would add a tall grassy plant in the back right corner. What size is your tank? If you have a larger tank (say 50us gallons or more) some val gigantea would look killer. Thick leaves and gets red tops. See it in my tank here.

For the foreground, a nice carpeting plant like sag or a hair grass would look nice if you have the lighting for it. To add some texture to the wood, you could try some java moss tied to a few areas.

If you spread out the grass like plants at the front, they will eventually fill out to be more of a carpet.
The green and white one has rotted and is gone. pic is 2 weeks old. WHY DO THEY SELL NON AQUATIC PLANTS!!! It annoys me - made me think i was crap at keeping them. The big green one is growing well, new leaves and such, but it wont root. Time will tell. Giant Vallis would be nice i guess. Sweet planted tank you have, like the bogwood.
i'd suggest a couple of things.

1) add taller plants along the back and sides.
2) group plants or create natural spaces, dont space plants equally.
3) create a "carpet," in the foreground, perhaps whatever you have there now (dwarf sag?), just add more.
4) add more plants
5) concentrate on the foreground/midground/background.
What should i do?
More plants?
New background?
New gravel?

Any ideas - its okay.....just not great.


And i no longer have the internal filter you see - i have now got a cannister. Where is the best place to put the output / input?
I have an undergravel tray - should it come out? it was connected to the juwel standard H

1)Taller plants for back - the space at the top is looking bare...
2)Floating riccia - just to break things up a bit
3) Backgroung - Possibly Juwel Rock or a 3D one - not sure - opinions please..
4)different gravel - what colour?

hi m8,

definately purchase some more plants, tall ones to give the different height definitions. maybe some more bogwood too. i have an external filter now and have put the imput output and heater all in the same corner (i can see someone commenting on that) behind some bogwood that is a kinday L shape so i cant see anything now. the gravel is cool but if you wanted to change it id go for some really fine sandy gravel thats used for cichlid tanks, dont use sand! i had it in a tank for a while and the sand under any ornaments or bog wood turns black!!!! (and yes i did buy it from my LFS)

good luck buddy!!


B) B)
Whats the best place to buy fine gravel? I was gonna use sand but im led to believe that there may be a problem with plants rooting in sand, so fine gravel may be better. Will take out UGF first tho..
I like tha tank as it is if I had to choose anything I would say get some more plants in there.Some nice tall plants at the back would be nice.
I really really like your tank and i love your substrate... where did u get substrate like that as im struggling to find black gravel :(
Some Vallis would look nice as Jen said and maybe a couple Amazon Swords, soon enough they can reach huge sizes and will look very nice in a tank that large. Some dwarf hairgrass in front would be nice too.
Gravel is from Pets at Home, about a tenner i think. You have to be careful as we bought 2 bags and they were similar, but not the same, so we had to mix them.

Heres what im gonna do.....

Ill get some more plants, and ensure i get some large background plants. I have another peice of bogwood in there where you see the filter. Im gonna get some riccia to float on the top, and some moss for the bogwood......
Ill MAYBE change the gravel, so its lighter, and much finer. I MAY also change the background, to something rocky, as i cant afford a 3d one at the mo.

Ill put new pics up when its 2 weeks established. Cheers guys

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