My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 31, 2006
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Southampton (uk)
ALL COMMENTS WELCOME Picture_5_600.jpgPicture_2_600.jpg
Like your fish. :D
Dont know about the stone background though, a planted one would probably make the tank look more planted and the colours on the fish stand out more. :/
Some really nice looking fish there :thumbs:

Are the plants real or plastic?

& what is the length of your biggest fish in there?
I see a tinfoil barb too! strange mix but nice fish! on The topic of backgrounds ive got a 3d one on order. they are great! you should check them out! they have some nice cichlid ones! :)
i agree with sam malawis with parrots and big kissing gourami, no way should be mixed the malawis need a higher ph.
have to say though i actually dont mind the background looks quite cool.
hi thanks for all your comments. all the plants are real yes. the slate a cut myself to give the raised up level. the parrot and the malawis get along fine and i do a 25% water change every week to keep the water healthy. ive had them for about 7 months and the only confrentations i see every now and again is between the little blue zebra and the firemouth. and it is very rare. i no they should'nt be mixed but they both seem very mild tempered and abit of cichlid chasing never hurts. lol the background i chose myself and much prefer the 3d ones compared to the planted picture/coral ones. alot more realistic.

thanks again. keep the comments coming.


p.s the tank is 4 foot by 1.5 by 1.5


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its more the fact that they prefer different water qualitys to each other.

Malawis live in a high ph of 8+. not sure what parrots prefer but its lower than that.

plus if youve had them 7-8 months then there all still pretty young.

the parrots still pretty small too. wait till they grow.

probably wasting my breath tho..... :no:
once again being a malwi keeper i have to agree with sam, its not the fact they get along but the different water qualities they need.
A few people have made comments regarding the mix of fish & their ph requirements above, what problems is this tank likely to encounter?

I always thought as long as you are not too far out on the ph then the fish would adapt to it?

Good look anyway mrjames :thumbs:
he wont get the full potential out of the fish and aggresion as they become older.

jus cos there fish doesnt mean they should be made to live in uncomfortable conditions.

Ok, first of all, you have no idea how long these fish have been together. Judging by the size of the kissing gouromi, they must be pretty old if he got them all when they were young. And also, if he has the ph at around 7.6-8 it would be fine for the other fish. The fish he has in there are very very hardy, they could adapt to a number of different water parameters. These fish also look really old, so i dont think they will get much more aggressive.
What you dont realize is that fish can adapt to many many different water conditions. In the wild, the water that the fish live in are much different, but that doesnt mean they have to be kept the same way as they would in the wild. Stop bashing him for keeping different types of fish together.
what i understand is how your meant to keep fish.

not how you CAN keep them.

most people know that malawis should be kept in a species tank. simple as.

you dont take dogs and put them in an environment they arent meant to be kept in, you get done for that.

fish should get the same treatment!

oh and jus so you kno! i wasnt bashing him. i was advising him.

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